Are Greeks the hardest workers in Europe?

The eurozone crisis has sown divisions in the European family, and Greece in particular has often been singled out for criticism. Has Greece been living beyond its means? Are Greeks lazy? On this second point, the statistics tell a surprising story.
silva you are too young for those shits.....

First, what you read have nothing actually to do with crises and the real problem.....(bbc posted this article 1 month ago)

And Greeks and Germans they know each other very well for many years (I'm talking about politicians and major government stakeholders). Both of them are trying to make easy money by doing all their dirty tricks of the civil ppl. Greece have done business and still have with all the major German companies like Mercedes, Siemens, weapons defense companies etc.This story for some guys to make easy black money between Greece-Germany is old, they like it and as you see they still continue doing it (but the same is happening also with your country- French).

Definitely, who ever knows the basic of economics can easy understand that the austerity measures that they impose can not help so much the crises/dept. Meanwhile the actual measures can not be taken from both sides because they directly harm their interests. In other words, what you are just seeing is simple BUSINESS and nothing else.

Unfortunately, those guys are the ULTRA HIGH SKILLED PLAYERS in the real life and all the rest of us are LOW and add some more minus.

My advises:Try to remove some minus from yours real life skill.

No more comments from me.

And as i said...silva you are too young for those shits.....

u may not be interested in starting a discussion afterall, neither i am. but i think a few things have to be added...
the main problem is and was to create one currency for many countries (idealistic dreamer politicians), not really looking onto the economic strengths of the parties. i wont talk about the accountancy tricks to make financial statements look better...

now one of the problem of greece is, too many people are public servants(not sure if its the right word...) which costs the state way too much, the retirement pay is also way too high (100% from last payment possible). besides that, greece economy sadly aint one of the better ones. you lack heavy industry, car industry, chemical stuff and so on to carry a bit. greece economy is more relying on aggriculture (not meant offensive) and tourism, so they have to import more expensive goods than they can export.

imo the way to help is greece is not pumping up banks with billions over billions with literally 0 interest, which wont help anyone besdies the banks themselves. the hair cut at the moment is finally a acrtion in the right direction. but now greece needs more money invested in their economy, to boost it up, to make it more efficient - something like a dawes plan.
....sorry but you are too far from the reality. I'm Greek, live in Greece, trust me you are too far from the reality like the majority of the news that you read from everywhere.

sorry again...
well so it be. unfortunately all inforamtion i can get are comming from the news agencies - which vary slightly but not really much in total.
i'd really appreciate if you then could share your pov of how things really are for u as greek. thx in advance if u do.
flr my friend, one other time...I'm really tired from all those stuff(imagine what Greek ppl are talking about all day..and also what Greek TV is showing all day.)

The Greek system is corrupted for good (the higher you go the more corruption you find) and needed time and generations to pass in order to see a real change. This corrupted system is even now in business with other corrupted foreign interests. It seems that the majority of Germans/French/EU ppl didnt know that their politicians/stakeholders knew for many years what was really happening in Greece. Don't mistake me,.... I firstly and mainly blame us but there is quite a lot of blame that doesn't belong inside Greece.

The only thing that will say is don't except something miracle to happen.

(Personally i will leave the country....mainly because i have a second wife is from Serbia.....ZIVILI SRBIJA!!!!)
my love for you is eternal. broken our economy or not ill always love you esu malaka
glad they actually pointed it out later in the article, that the working hours mean jack quite frankly.

off-topic: but a bit on what malakomunis said - the bailout money and austerity meassures are not capable of "saving" greece from what is about to happen, it's just buying them some more time. them being the investors.
the % of indeptness is just too high to be fought by those at the current level (and those can hardly be more increased - except they'd once focus what they seem to be willing to pay on the long run - not saying that it's worth it, no grudge held, just my semiobjective view on it)
just like i said to my mom some weeks ago:

this money is sucked in by a black hole.

(geld ausm fenster werfen wäre selbst noch konstruktiver...)
ja, dann besteht z.m. noch die chance, dass es wieder kommt, aber die verbrennens
they live in a hot pretty place so laziness is a natural inclination
i like the stats, but they don't say anything. you can have job-policies which declare every hour exceeding contract worktime to be out of interest, hence void.
How awesome are Netherlands we :D
I aint read no nothing of that shit unoimsaying
To busy being productive to read

that statistic is PURE bullshit, fulltime for the greeks usually means 35 hours per week and that while being payed almost the same amount of money. Eventhough they almost got no taxes most of them still don't pay em

On a sidenote: due to the crisis a lot of fulltime workers got a 20 hour week nowadays
You are so wrong m8,you need to live in a country before you say that statistic is wrong,even statistic made in germany show that we work more hours in europe,greeks that working 5 days work more than 40 hours,they are people working 6 days every week,and i dont tell you about summer that people in islands work 12 hours, 7 days of the week,the only real point was the taxes,yes greeks did nt pay all their taxes,but now this is gone since now if you dont pay the goverment take your property,and its right tbh so we can pay our loans,and for the last thing you say that people due to crisis work 20 hours week,those people get paid not more than 300 euro..and you know that those money are nothing if you have a family,so before start telling things about greece,italy,portugal or spain,ask someone that live there and work so he can tell you what real happens in their country,anyway soon problem of europe wont be greece,will be italy,portugal and spain,like 100 time worst situation than greece,you know me long time man and you know that i am not telling bullshit and i dont talk often about our situation,but i thought that was a good moment to tell a few things.
we have this crisis cause greeks dont work enough.
omg ppl start thinking in your own categories pls
Slowly Europe people are starting to realise what exactly is going on, but then it's going to be too late for us.

Moving in Netherlands after I get my university diploma (if public cutbacks won't close us down, everything is possible), there are no jobs here, and no future either. That is, if Wilders will accept me, being half dutch.
Mag ik in familie Yilmaz plox?
Tuurlijk mag jij dat <3
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