TS seareal update

The super seareal ts3 upadte,
we changed hosts,still hosted in NL Amesterdam tho.


Channels and Permissions have ben removed because i couldnt copy backup files from Win 2 Linux
pmme on #PraccHardGoPro to get ur channel / rights back, soz for this : )

already on jari TS3 it's better
retarded admins on a retarded comunity

serioussly this website is administrated the worst i have even seen on any other comunity.
jacek cygan mad
stupid gypsi polak
haha, this is funny for a few reasons :p

what is so funny in this?

seareal and outlaw starts to brag in a serie of journals about winning against jari,than in round 2 jari win and start bragging about this.

now seareal feels like he should come back with some news about a random ts3 server and u suddenly see 100 grims

i thinkin why da fuck should i post another grim which anyway i don t see it s purpose in the first place,so i post some you tube song for seareal,just trying to bring some sun shine in this shit,and i see my comment deleted by frop,than by thomm.

show me another comunity same retarded like this one please.

no whine here just observing some facts
I hear a lie when I see one.
why he did not stoped whined
why u dont stop being a retard?

what is the purpose of posting 100 grims?i don t whine i just think u plain stupid
<fumble> I think that deserves a dd, also known as smileyface
better ts : mamouth.eu:9987


ok Thomm, time to delete any comment in this journal not containing ":D" and only ":D" (this included, don't let the funtakers win)
journal of the year 2012 !

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