tzac problem

whenever i start et with tzac i get 10 fps, since today. without tzac its normal again. anyone has had this/knows how to fix?
reinstall tzac
:D hacked your tzac, np
Get computer <3
put some landmines over it :)
solved it with an reinstall for me
etmain instead of etpro worked for me gg
Since today tzac doesn't work with netlimiter anymore.
bye bye unhit skill :D!
try that to cmd line, worked 4me
+set fs_game etmain
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha CHEATER!!!
i heard some are hidden in missile <3
did you update your gfx drivers to 12.2 lately? if yes go back to 12.1 drivers
actually I think I did. how do I go back? :D!
you got a systembackup of windows ? restore it to the day before you updated the driver

or go to the amd folder and the are all driver versions listed you installed ..just execute the 12.1 or older driver setup.exe and uninstall the new driver then restart your pc and install the old driver again

hf :))
cheers mate, worked ;)
it's time to quit

image: tumblr_liwns49CnG1qb8ikqo1_500_large

1003 total screenshots

go out maybe
soo true :P
brb playing on no tzac servers so it seems like im never playing
do you seriously think that there is nothing wrong in playing games 24/7 at your age? wow
dont act like you know me or something lol, ive just finished my study in december, since you're talking about whats normal and what not let me elaborate, I passed 7 exams, obtained 5 certificates and diplomas in half a year where normally you need 4 years for. I granted myself a couple months break, or are you going to tell me how im supposed to spend my free time?
You know what I think
Its a new feature to stop world class players carrying lows.
shit that must be why u not playing anymore :S
lies i've almost daily lately!
Read this journal enjoying a quality drink. Want some? \_/
haha kk lijer L:D
same problem, also can't find a way to fix
tried reinstall and changing cmd line

1003 total screenshots

go out maybe
wtf he has more than mental
no way, no1 can get more than mental^^
yes et is dead
i got similar problem, whenever i start tzac i get high cpu ussage and that gray screen at the begining. witought it,et works normal
our gaming careers are officially doomed.
sad :<

hey, wanna play some LoL ? ":D"
lol first netlimiter now this gg the gods of damage are with me.
happened to me too. i had a 70 ping (with 8 fps) on a euro server, which was lower than the polaks we were playing. used restore point to about a week ago and its fine now
Got the same, dunno how to fix it, i just run tzac without etpro and its fine.
its gods way of telling u gtfo sun is shining
I have played since 2003 for several years in several clans. Then i stopped playing for few years and now i want to start playing clanmatches again. Registered tzac, but it said that i should wait 100 days before i can play with it. That is over 3 months, and i think its far too long time to wait.

Is there anything to do with this or should i just try to wait that time or quit.

Would really pursiate some help on this. Thanks
that should only happen if server has tzac addon with config that doesnt allow new guids to join in - or do you mean something else ?

solution: dont play in such servers

i dont think private servers have that enabled mostly anyway but if its a problem just buy your own god damn server ;)
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