Skype priority speaker?!

when I talk on a skype at the same time as the other person, their microphone always is muted (kinda like priority speaker on other communication programs). if I'm saying anything at all I can't hear shit from someone else, even if I stop talking in an effort to hear, I've missed most of what they said and can just see lips moving :(
Check the Recording Devices (right click on the speaker icon in the system tray) and go to the tab Communications. Select "Do Nothing".
it's selected already :<
Skype is shit.
well it's not the same for anyone else :[ just me
I don't like to use Skype because it's a shitty software.
In my opinion you should delete your journal and contact the Skype support to help you out.
In my opinion your parents should have deleted you
Doesn't work like that in real life; you should go out sometime
nice attempt, better luck next time
It just happen to you, sorry.
It's an option somewhere in skype and in windows. Just search.
Do a barrel roll.
learn to read lips
so basically it's functioning like a walkie talkie I believe? I'm still thinking of the problem...
Hi! I'm sincerely hoping that the OP is still checking their emails. Since I know exactly what they mean.

On VOIPs like TS3 for instance: 'Priority Speaker' setting, allows an individual to have their voice heard above all others. So if two people are speaking simultaneously, and one of whom has 'Priority Speaker' It cancels out/lowers all other users voices.

Now during skype however there's an extremely bad and often at times frustrating priority speaker setting which makes it so whose ever microphone is less sensitive gets overwhelmed and depending on background noise etc, it determines whose volume is lowered. At least.. as far as I can gather.

This is Skype's cruel way of ruining online relations. Because then certain things go unheard, and therefore remain unsaid to those who they were aimed at.

I too would love to have a fix for this and not a single person seems to have the same problem or.. better explained, I don't think people feel they have control and seem to make do. But I'm not about that. And I think it's weird and doesn't make sense.

My ears decide who and what is heard, why the fuck does skype determine when I shouldn't be able to hear the person I'm talking to. Just because my microphone picks up more than the average. So my skype contacts microphone is lowered? Sorry but.. MSN messenger (before they changed the name to Windows Live) had better software than this.. Wtf microsoft?! seriously. WTF..

Fix this crap. Because if it wasn't for the fact that some software isn't available open source on certain devices like Apple Products. I would switch to another VOIP. And honestly I would buy the software if I knew it wouldn't do this horrible thing. But sometimes it's not down to me, I don't have access to some of the devices used by others. So it's not within my control to purchase those other VOIPs.
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