
Hello! this journal is about missile_b4. So basically you can just post your thoughts about this map and competition on it without reading the content :D but okay let's start, I've maybe played it once in the past, only saw some journals/newsposts with screens and changes but never really played it.

So yesterday, myself with Poland tMoe-mix decided to play some 6on6s in the evening and we got the war vs United Kingdom hvKm8 and his clan/friends.
They picked missile_b4 so we were like, okay np let's play something new, we've already known beta3 version so no problem for us.
We started on allies side and if i remember correctly, we've managed to get first stages quite fast and we had like 10minutes left on the clock to do the last stage. Same with hvK's team in second round, they did everything quite similar to us so times were almost the same I think. (i might be wrong too, because cba to check it, but its not essential here).
SO with 10minutes on the clock we've just had to repair the rocket and secure the documents. We did the first thing but couldnt manage to do the second one. The same situation came when they had to attack and basically they just couldnt do shit to us. it's so fucking hard to attack for the obj in the last stage now with new changes.
it can be also seen on statistics:
1st Round while we were attacking: kills: 55/94, damage, DG: 19919 - DR: 25947
2nd Round: kills: 127/44 , damage, DG: 27867 - 17008 ,
its 5-10k damage difference between sides and huge gap kills/deaths

With all due respect to encrypt team, I think we had better team and we should have easily won versus them, also on missile_b4 (though we lost 2nd map, but it's not the point xD), but we have both managed to set a fullhold, and it was so fucking hard to attack on last stage, so something is wrong with this I guess :F
or maybe it's just because i've played it just once so far , so i got a question to people that had played it before, what are your thoughts about missile_b4? I enjoy missile_b3 more tbh - how about you guys? so maybe beta4 shouldn't replace b3 in the mappool?

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dont be a noob?:S D:GG:D

I heard that the axisTEAMdoor is bugged in 2nd stage. fix it
With all due respect, I think you need to go out of your house for once
agree its almost impossible. never seen a time set on bio
no u just too low to make doc run

end of story

Easy for iNspiron, but yeah, new changes suck!
b3 is much better

EDIT: We used covert and got to the last stage in like 3 minutes so u had like 5~ more minutes of raping :P

I would agree to this, even building the rocket controls is hard cause of the more than ONE FULL charge is needed, and u can touch the controls once every 2 minutes, axis spawn is set too forward therefore axis can spawn and push bot/top just as their spawnshield runs out. You can't attack from up anymore just because the rifle can shoot the whole corridor from up or down. It is nearly impossible to kill the guy in the hut (next to rocket) from upper corridor.

I also feel that b3 was much better because u can't really do anything on the last stage at b4.

Maybe b4 would work if the missile was more in the middle of the courtyard and rocket controls would only need 1 bar to build/dismantle.
Changes on last stage open it up too much for axis, the window and everything is a nice idea but it makes it way too easy for someone to go backrape and so on now, axis have way too much freedom to punish you as much as they please (Check the last version, you rarely had a fullhold)

And screw you man! We went all superman mode on 2nd map. (You should of won missile though)
just had to repair the rocket and secure the documents
image: missile2
I am pretty sure we (glitz) lost to inSpiron for the same reason, we had never played b4 before and it was forced in your own cup. We as well were the better team and fucked up the decider and lost really closely, but still, it wouldn't have been happened if wasn't for that retarded b4. But not blaming you, someone had to try it :)
yeah that's one of the reason that I put it to the mappool of my cup. better to fuck up games in this cup than in other, more important competitions :p
That chick on the bike <3
b3 is much better :)
b3 is much better :)
I just played it twice some weeks ago and b4 is better to attack imo.

Allies got the window to set up good crossfire and with some guys pushin cave and some doing crossfire and pushing the upper last spawnway it should be easily build... And the docrun is just about timing, teamcomms and reviving imo. Me likes the b4 ;-)
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