Zyzz the legacy *updated*

Happy birthday sick cunt and rest in peace <3

image: 2vnhw81

image: zyzz_wallpaper_vvv

make sure to order singlets in april when shipping starts in europe (21st april)

image: 378220_276391739105315_222556621155494_629678_1351714323_n
why's this junkie any special?
im sure there's a million others in google picture search looking like that
went from WoW nerd to steroid junkie macho guido
from nerd to dead you mean
nono, from steroid junkie macho guido to dead
Happy Birthday brah,Cant get over the fact your gone,everyday i get up and go on the internet hoping that i'm going to see the main news headlines saying " Zyzz is back. The Biggest Troll in History,u mad ? " Typing this with tears in my eyes because i just simply can not get over the fact your gone&#65279; and your not coming back.

Gods Never Die

Hope your Watching over over all of us who have been inspired


R.I.P brah


Forever 'Mirin' Brah
He inspired people to live healthy? As I recall he died of drugoverdose..
i think he died in sauna due to some heart condition
Then I seem to be misinformed.
googled, died in a sauna in bangkok due to an undiagnosed hear condition
heart attack afaik.
yes he died due to some undiagnosed heart conditions,and not because of years of constant steroid abuse at all.no no, that had nothing to do with it.absolutely not
heart attack in the sauna cuz of steroids :)
good night sweet prince. :-(
> Dying in sauna because of drugs

> Rolemodel


I know he made lots of people live a healthier life but everyone should later get a better source of motivation and desire for training. He used steroids just to get good looks and that resulted dying in the age of 22.
undiagnosed heart condition
You are an idiot if you think using steroids and other drugs, composed with alcohol and sauna, didn't strain the heart over its limits.
I think it was the stress of trying to be naked @ sauna for the first time.
zyzz didn't use alcohol very often, he himself said that he drinks hard only 1-2 times a year since its bad for gains and other shit, he got himself high by other ways
still jelly BUT you got a point
He had good looks but I think he gave a lots of people a mindset that you can't achieve good physical condition without steroids, and thats sad. He would have been even more powerful figure if he was natty.

I kind of hate that jelly-argument, I favor strength over just training to look good, and Im stronger than this guy, so theres simply no reason for jealousness (I do appreciate great physiques though) But that doesn't matter, he had different priorities than I have.
Well, believe it or not but I started training because i saw his videos/pictures, i'm not following his 'ideology' but still, and I am not using steroids so D;
That's good for you =)
Just wanted to say that not everyone that is inspired by him is using roids :p
what did he do that motivated you?
I'm serious, what did he do that motivated you?
zyzz is a good motivator for working out in a gym :) his book is amazin. I will recommand you to read. So much more then just working out in the gym.. way more importing is food and your rest :)
Cant blame steroids fo being the reason, yes it was partly but if he wouldn't have an undiagnosed heart condition i think he'd live a his brother and the rest of the aesthetic crew that are likely to use steroids aswell.

Steroids, drugs/alcohol and all the pressure on his heart from working out made him go into cardiac arrest in the sauna, not steroids alone. So your conclusion is a bit misleading, allmighty bodybuilder of crossfire.

And for proof that you're stronger upload a video of you doing shoulderpress with 50 kg dumbells x8 :)
Interested in seeing that video, I have only seen this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vXiOy-eoL4

I know for a fact I'd excel him in squat and deadlift and those are much better indicators of overall strength than some dumbbell-exercise. :D

QuoteSteroids, drugs/alcohol and all the pressure on his heart from working out made him go into cardiac arrest in the sauna, not steroids alone.

I didnt say steroids alone, learn to read. Check my reply to Domi.

Aand before you try again to lay any personal attacks, I want to inform you that im not a bodybuilder.
As a powerlifter would bench more than ronnie coleman or phil heath. Infact I haven't seen zyzz brag over his strenght, ever. Most likely due his goals were getting shredded / aesthetic as fuuuark


QuoteInfact I haven't seen zyzz brag over his strenght, ever. Most likely due his goals were getting shredded / aesthetic as fuuuark

And I already made that clear when speaking with mAus

QuoteAs a powerlifter would bench more than ronnie coleman or phil heath

Now you are just playing stupid? What?
No I'm not being stupid. Just answering to the statement you made.

QuoteI favor strength over just training to look good, and Im stronger than this guy

Ofcourse if you workout for strenght you will most likely beat a guy who is working out for the aesthetics. But I still somehow doubt you'd be stronger than him if he was alive, unfortunatly we will never know the answer.
Lets forget this bullshit about zyzz.

Did you really just say that there arent better raw bench pressers than Coleman or Phil Heath? Or did I understand wrong your sentence?
Exactly the opposite. A powerlifter who focuses on bench, deadlift and squats will own coleman, cutler or heath any day in the month, disregarding the bodybuilders size.
Nice editing btw (y)
Ah ok.

What did I edit?
he didnt edit aything since replys he posted doesnt have edit mark L0L

sunday prac 20:00cet on irc or fuck off
IM USING 22 KG AND IM ONLY WORKING OUT FOR BOUT 2,5 MONTHS! And yeh, give me a shitload of steroids and I will use the 50kg dumbells before summer
you're only doing significant gains first 3 month then its an uphill. Like im doing 35 kg x 8 and finding it hard to go for 40 kg fast
Fucking with chanspeak, dickhead.
Is it just me or is some1 else facepalming the guys who take turns in the end and saying a few words about zyzz?
i rlly dont get why his so special..

steroids using guy travelling in trance festivals always with out shirt. no matter if its raining or not

and died because of steroids.

not judging just wondering

he went from an ecto to a ripped god
expected to see him back on earth today.. :(
tbh i expected alot more of this vid
gonna watch it tonight and have a wank while watching it

no homo
als echte fan had je het om 7.12 vanochtend gekeken :<
fuck this juiced faggot
walking around with no shirt all day, posing like a attentionwhore
Hij dwarft jou aan alle kanten, u mad bro?
ik ben wss langer dan hem
pencilnecks wearing sleeveless shirts


>jobless,australian guido

choose one

he did have a great body,no doubt,but he had plenty of time and was basically on roids year in and year out...plus there are millions of other people on this planet who look equally aesthetic..so whats this hype about? oh yeah right,he "inspired" you sooo much didnt he?
oh so please tell me more about that...did he inspire you to die? did he inspire you to damage your body with roids? did he inspire you to be jobless? did he inspire you to run around naked and dance weirdly? lets hear...
its because he was attentionwhoring so much i guess
yea but its just not even funny or interesting or whatsoever. i mean all he ever does is saying "olo umad u mirin so jelly zyzz sick cunt man",or running around shirtless,or dancing in some clubs/festivals whatsoever. so where exactly is this anything of value? i dont understand how this became so popular
1: Die, that was harsh.

2: You dont damage your body with roids, well some of them clen and few others cant affect the heart in a bad way, unless you go full retard and take doses that are not "healthy" you should be fine.

3: With the sponsor cash he had I doubt he needed a work, If someone would give me checks monthly just for my looks I'd more than happy just do stuff and have fun while being young.

4: Actually inspired me going shirtless when oppurtunity is at hand, but I've done that before as well, due to being a shredded sick cunt.

+ He just had the charisma of 100 men. He just had this energy, not something you see regulary in life. Just spread joy and lols with his vids. And people love his asthetics, sure I've seen bigger guys etc, but nothing beats him from a pure esthetic perspective.
1: ok

2: the way he used roids definatly harmed his body and will harm every body in the world. Sure you can use roids without harming ur body, but in this case the dosis would be so low you probably wouldnt even notice the effect of them.

3: ok

4: u need someone who inspires you going shirtless? done that my whole life didnt need that fag to do it lol

5: + i dont get the hype. He is ugly as fuck, looks like the guys of jersey shore.
Like the rest of 95 % of medicines it has side effects. But they're reversable. Just change steroid and find something that suits you and doesn't give you much side effects =)

No I didnt need him to teach me go shirtless, stop insulting someone who had more sex than you in his 22 years of life than you in 10 lifetimes :)

5: Zyzz ideology is not for everyone, feel free to close the video/thread and move on.
2; accelerated hairloss, gyno is damage to me.

4; stay humble, dont be a showoff

+ ye thats your opinion.
1.okay i admit it wasnt fair,i have nothing against him and its always a tragedy when someone dies,also i actually like chestbrah alot more than for example zyzz,because he actually talks reasonable

2.the key word is long time effect,and as i said before,zyzz and most of those really aesthetic guys are on roids year in and out to maintain that bodyfat and muscle mass.thats not healthy at all,do some research

3.i dont know if and how much money he got,but it doesnt matter,because it was him and not you,nor those thousands of other ppl he "inspired".he may make money off living that live,but you surely wont if you only concentrate on dat dere aesthetics and not on other far far more important aspects

4.wow what a great inspiration that is.if i just could have found someone like him earlier,my life would be soo much better, if i had gone shirtless more often...

charisma-cant agree,hes talking too much crap
energy-hm dunno
joy and lols-i cant find anything funny in his vids (jailbaitwarrior actually is funny in his vids,eventho is pretty much an idiot too i guess..or for example hodgetwins have made a name for themselves for giving tips etc..so this is legimitate too...but this was only doing nonsense which wasnt even funny imo)
aesthetics-i agree
Well zyzz is not for everyone, if you dont understand the kind of humor then let it be. He didnt inspire me jumping around and being shirtless screaming u mirin to everyone I see. Just push myself harder at the gym and get results.

I sure could earn cash if the asthetics were good enough, fitness contests, sponsoring, modelling, you name it.

The big reason I think people got inspired by him was because like 4 years earlier he was a big time geek, real ecto playing wow 24/7 and then changed to such a persona, ofcourse people behind their desks playing wow or whatever games will start mirin and strieve against a similiar goal, getting of the fucking desk and doing something with his life. The power of will, will get you anywhere you want, just believe in yourself.

http://www.simplyshredded.com/exclusive-zyzz-interview.html read up
okay this inspirational thing is legit,but i just dont get why its zyzz after all,there are far more reasons against than pro him as a rolemodel...i think its just a big time "jumping on the bandwagon" after all...
perhaps zyzz made it in a fun way and other people are in the same exact position as he was before, behind a desk nolifing. It fuels them. There are loads of people that have brought truely inspirational messages to the world, and this is nothing new, its just the way he does it, some people like it some not :)

I doubt people want to be exactly like him, but feed of his energy towards their own progress.
Jobless? He was runnin his own supplement business afaik
Protein of gods. + Working with www.nutri-sups.com and few others.
yes because he used his name to print on a plastic bottle of protein...so thats really impressive isnt it? it inspires me so much to not get a college degree and sell protein powder instead..i guess this idea is genius
oh and plus i doubt his business went well,never heard anyone ever talking about his supplements on forums etc
Well he was about to finnish business school if you would like to know.
So what do you do for a living?
no you dont understand,i would do the same if i was zyzz, but this is nothing worth striving for
lots of jelly people in this journal :] ye, nice video, with all the rebirth stuff going on in misc I thought he might come back, sadly he didn't :( big inspiration/motivation in my way to lose my 30kg and getting ripped. RIP :(
to be honest,now i understand why zyzz is so popular among gaming nerds.
they yall like
"omgz i be fat nerd virgin who play game all day but i see that zyzz he be so aesthetics he gun get all dem gurls and i be like sit in mah basement wanking to anime porn. when will it be my turn for aesthetics :'''''(((((? i must mire dat dere zyzz so i can prevent myself from do suicide from my miserable life :'''''((((("
old news, u posted this journal too early
Many of you doesnt even know who and what was he
only that he was young "skinny punk" transformed into motherfucking nice body
haters hated like some of you hate now
u mirin bro?
he died
his heart couldnt handle bodybuilding
he died for our gains
so please dont hate on someone who made something of his life
unfortunately died
Rip zyzz <3
Many of you doesnt even know who and what was he - oh please,tell me how YOU have know him sooo well over the internet :DD

his heart couldnt handle bodybuilding - corrected: his heart couldnt handle dem roids

he died for our gains - so how exactly did his death help anyone with gains?

so please dont hate on someone who made something of his life - oh since when is getting some muscle "making something about ones life"?
this kid is too far off, don't think you can help him :[
Forever mirin' RIP x
braffoe! dead in the eyes alive in our hearts (l) rip.
RIP, btw who is this :DDDDD? I don't play shit RPG games, only FPS, like CS :DD
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