(wireless?) headset

attending the-party.nl again this year and ill need a decent headset to cancel all the noise going on.
usually dont spend much on headsets cause i use the break them on a fairly regular basis but buying a wireless one might change that (no more drunk stumbling over cables, or rolling over it with me chair).

i heard you can get one starting from around 40-50€ but ive also seen that you can easily
spend a hundret more than that.
what makes sense and what is overkill, any suggestions?
usually people at LAN use pilot headphones to isolate the noise and in ear plug for the sound, correct me if I'm wrong though.
getting those yourself would possibly be somewhat expensive and theyre annoyingly big for transport :/
Just for cancelling the noise around you?
decent gamer headset that does a good job at covering your ears will do i guess
Do you have good in-earplugs?

Not trolling here but if so what about earmuffs?

Because decent wireless headsets cost around 130 €.
not rly.
but i guess i could use my ipod in-ears and some hearing protection my mate uses for carpentry.
QuietComfort 15 Acoustic Noise Cancelling Headphones made by Bose, no better noice cancelling.
I'm always sceptical when people mention Bose and best. Although they do make good headphones, I just wonder if they are really worth the money?
I guess you never had the enjoyment to wear a sennheiser/BOSE headset, didnt you?
Yes. I've tried top ranges from both makers.. Hence my comment.
I think they are worth the money if you care about the headsets and dont slap them around in your room.

High costs for many years of brilliant music/gaming/whatever
You're right, there are so many better options out there if you look.
well, we are owing one of those Bose QC, they are freakin awesome.
Someone could fire a .44 Magnum right next to your head, you wouldnt even notice.
I just got the Razer 5.1 wireless headset, so far so good but I've only used it for about 2 hours.
what did you pay for it?
What are you comparing them too? Because i doubt they are any good comparing to sennheiser in the same price range.
I'm not comparing them, I'm just stating they're nice
What is nice about them? You have enough experience with audio equipment or not?
So you should be able to compare it to something similar. Would you buy one yourself?
Well - like I said, I used them for 2h so this isn't the most definitive review but here's what I liked:

- The positional sound in game seemed really cool, took a little getting used to but became quite useful
- The Fit - They actually fit my big person ears!
- Music sounded good

Like I said, 2hrs, I like them. If you want a comparison of what other sound I like - I have the shure in ear phones for my ipod - i like them too!
ok thanks for the information.
I didnt really like that one, its at 199€, something I never would have paid for that.
My Sennheisers are still way better than that headset.
for the cost its wank, which sums up razer pretty well.
you're what?
bitter you get razer stuff and possibly wank.
Razer 5 years ago had some good products, perhaps slightly overpriced. Nowadays they are really overpriced and are pretty shitty.

You can still buy some of their legacy mice for pretty cheap in Korea, but the scroll wheel plastic comes unstuck from the actual wheel and breaks after like 3 months :(
totally agree, DA back in the day was fantastic but i feel the new stuff is just carp. stick to my 1.1 8)
image: 20038

I'm using the beautifully advertised Zowie Mico :D

Funny how so many of the Starcraft players are so obsessed with appearance.. going to the gym, modeling. July just doesn't give a fuck.

If people looked at this advert and didn't know who he was, I wonder if they would be any more likely to after seeing this advertisement.
looks like fucking Blackmane big july not giving a fuck. love it. They look pretty nice tbf looks alittle big at the back, tiny hands kinda get fucked over by anything bigger than a 1.1 :D
These are the same shape as the logitech mini optical, like half the size of a deathadder. Pretty ideal if you don't have large hands.

image: mico

Anything larger than the diamondback I can't grip it properly. Not everyone has Frankenstein hands like Perfo.
ye using the DA these days is actually so uncomfortable its unreal, i might try some of thiose EC 1 etc mice or xai w/e they are as they dont look too bad or i might just nick a mouse from work like usual as they all have 1.1's :D
Deathadder is so bulky and uncomfortable, feels impossible to make accurate movements with it.
yeah i didnt really notice until i tried another mouse, still love the way the DA works but just the size breaks my heart alittle.
Sensei feels like cock-in-hand. You'll love it!
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