What to buy? LoL.

Whaddup guys, so been farming some IP on my new LoL account.
Not level 20 yet so dont see the point of runes yet, what champions should i buy.

Got about 10k IP.

Already bought Irelia, Lux and Kennen so i guess i should buy a jungler or ad carry?

Lee sin/Rammus/Vayne/Graves/Shyvana/Cassiopeia

Was thinking of those myself, but since everyone here knows everything better gimme ur suggestions! :o)


image: 3562201_460s
Wait till ur level 20 and buy some runes for ur main champ and own with that one and farm more IP till u can buy new champs


Vayne, Tristana, Teemo <3
I would turn off my computer, put on some clothes, open the door and go for a walk outside.
Fresh air is so overrated, open a window and you get the same effect!

True nerd spoke!
buy xtra runepage!
get poppy
as it is now, save your money for runes later. buy at least 2-3 rune pages, cause you'll need them later. I myself got 10 and I still find sometimes that I'd need another one :< buy some offtank junglers and carry the games :P to be honest it's what you prefer to play the most. every champion can get countered. if you want to have safepicks, I suggest you some champions with mobility/escape so you will be safe on your lane. for an example ahri is pretty nice, vladimir, vayne, graves, dr mundo, nasus, cassio, ryze is quite easy to play and monster late game, corki, udyr, olaf, wukong, gangplank, tristana etc etc.
it depends on your play style and what do you prefer. I'd make easier suggestions if you describe your style a bit :)
yeah i know about the rune pages, had like 6 on my banned account wich is still not enough.

Well usually i prefer to play solo top, support or jungler.

But im okay on the other roles aswell so i mainly choose from what we need in the team.
Most of the time u have guys (especially low lvl) who just random pick and lockin, therefore i wanna play about all roles abit till lvl 30.
how to counter Naut mid? :(
same as ryze. take cassio and harass him out of the lane early game and try to get for the kills as much as you can. if you fuck up his early/mid game he won't be able to do shit. just wait for his shield to wear off and you're good to go. and if he's top just take a massive bruiser with sustain for an example yorick is.. okay but you will have a passive lane. lee sin or maybe true dmg olaf or irelia (she's nerfed so I don't know how she is) or teemo with wit's end
Get atleast ~5 rune pages, buy a set of runes for each role. Have fun in soloq
kennen is currently best multitalent for top/mid and ad
- shyvana is a fast jungler, but no cc at all (besides u pick exhaust over flash, and buying frozen mallet later on) so just REALLY usefull when your lanes got sick cc; as top she has sick dmg output, again you need a team (especially jungler) with loads of cc
- graves very easy to play, + hes unbelievable with nunu support; vayne is a bit harder to play
- cassiOPeia
- ramnus getting banned quite often

you could buy gangplank, lee, olaf(better at top imo), udyr for top and jungle - same for mundo, just more usefull in jungle afterall due tue good ganks, warwick more as top, since no cc till lvl6 => bad ganks
maokai and skarner as pure junglers

still i would save ip for t3 runes tho ^^
yeah thats why i bought kennen, so much possibilitys!

and about vayne, i think in mid/late game she gets so strong if well farmed and some kills. By far the most damaging AD carry late game!
Had her on my old account so i can play her, just cant decide.
never denied that, true dmg op :)
she is a hyper carry. totally late game champ which can rape as shit. but she can be countered by hard CC :D but yeah, she is a beast! and kennen can also be played AD :)
kennen ad is pretty okay, but his abilities just ask for massive ap items!
alter wtf? :D
rolled by stray wtf
looks so ugly
casual scrub game detected
hey hugthesub how's your casual game coming along
so hurt it bleeds
not surprised
no time to chat.
busy feeding while not losing money
Save those points, you'll need around 7k IP points per rune-page.
i know , 6300 per page! i might buy those till 20/22-ish and after that buy flat ad runes and ap runes. ateast thats what i did with my old account. but im just looking for some variaty in champions to keep the playing more fun.
no point buying runepages now if you don't have any runes, just get some cheap champs that work in competitive matchups

Rumble (awesome toplane, counters pretty much any melee enemy, fun to play aswell and can even go mid)
Mundo (epic jungling, cheap champ)
Warwick (solid toplane pick, doesn't really lose lanes, can jungle if needed)
Ryze (easy as hell, tanky mid, I don't like playing him but he's really strong and only 450 IP)
Tristana (ad carry, increasing range as you level up, easy to play, good escape/chase mechanics, 1350 IP)
well would be nice to start ranked with atleast 2/3 extra rune pages.
Might think about just buying champs i know im good with and are multi lane.
For my example that would be lee sin, expensive but worth it imo besides that hes fun to play aswell!

p.s. already have ryze and trist.
Shen jungle.
Morgana mid.
shen jungle + morgana mid, nasus + zilean bot and a good top hero, gg!
AD Wukong top, tanks and offtanks everywhere!
tristana just the safest ad carry after level 13 orso because of the range, so that part is indeed rather easy. To use her spells perfectly it can be abit harder imo :P

But yeah range is important atleast from where I'm standing because the idiots on my team never know how to protect the ad carry.
begint Naut is te spelen ap mid, die shizzle is OP :p
die zen kit en ratios zen veel beter vor tank imo
You need at least 16 champions to be able to play ranked games. Just buy all the cheap good champions and go up with price class until you have 16.
Cassiopea! for sure !
Heimerdinger op
buy a life.. get it?? muahahaha
Udyr or Lee sin if you want a jungler, because both are also tier 1 top laners. Nautilus is my personal favourite though :P

Tristana is free if you like their facebook. Graves is also really easy to play and Cass is just pure win. Also Ashe (ad carry) is cheap, Longest range after Cait and lvl 10 tristana, she gets a perma slow and a great engagement tool (arrow)
buy dota
honestly why waste time on a game that is deliberately easier than the original? you will master it eventually just to realize that you are playing table tennis not tennis.
only the real deal is the real deal
you must have cried while writing this
minigolf aint golf small son
k Julian SchmetzégùßwulfganghÜptman
so butthurt has to try making fun of names.
so butthurt forgets i am master race while he is from some unsignificant rock in the sea.
common german name, besides you should stop watching tv all the time.
ridiculous way trying to look intelligent with ur poetic shit.
poiting out that an islandic should not even attempt to play the nationality card

-> trying to look intelligent with poetic shit
netherlands, check again
a little better.
nowhere near close to germany.
try again
image: better_quality_heimerdinger_by_david_timmons_art-d2zgotn

best midhero and most fun hero in general to play!
Yes, uninstall this shit game, np.
Lee sin ,fiora ...
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