LoL: CLG losing spree
27 Mar 2012, 10:25
black days incoming for HotshotGG.
Getting trashed by his teammates coz he makes so many mistakes.
Hope people will finally realise he's a bad player.
Who would you like to see replacing HotshotGG?
Getting trashed by his teammates coz he makes so many mistakes.
Hope people will finally realise he's a bad player.
Who would you like to see replacing HotshotGG?
As replacement not dyrus, saw him play yesterday and was shit (could ofcourse have been a bad day)
And Dyrus is a beast top.
earlier 2 scrims vs 'serious' teams and they lost both
HotshotGG is a decent 1v1 player, but as a teamplayer he is kinda bad.
He doesn't buy wards, doesn't join the team in teamfights/objectives.
+ he played +500 games as nidalee and doesn't know the counters :D
Or are they back in NA again?
What did he do wrong?
And what did they flame at him?
He isn't grouping up with them, doesn't ward his lane, ..
They accuse him of waisting their time and trolling
EDiT: the tournament is tomorow
but like we saw in the last iem, his fucking ego-im-the-best-split-pushing made his team lose the game, cause he kept gettin caught
Whole enemy team mia. I keep pushing. Oh I got caught
Oh enemy team got baron
Well nvm I'll do the same again.
Oh game lost.
Story of hotshotGG
I kinda liked him a while ago, when he was actually good, but i kinda think his ego changed his gamestyle he had like 1.5 years ago if im not wrong (not sure)
Two weeks behind, never played these kind of games before, im going to be next superstar on LoL
cu @
There will be some huge tournament with crazy prizemoney on Korea this summer afaik
rolled m5 yesterday
HSGG is the 'leader' of the team and the tournament is tomorow.
"inb4 hotshot benched" & others
While they had a big lead on them..