Prague [UK/PL]

So, this year's holidays plan => Czech Republic Prague. I'd like to ask people who have already visited this city and people who live there: what's worth watching there? Also, if you could share any other relevant info (place to sleep, transport tips, etc. etc), would be cool :)

If you have never been to Prague, you might share your holidays plan:)

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nice city, had a lot of fun there ^^
me too, because of this green stuff the black ones sell everywhere
if you are looking for green stuff in prague you should, like anywhere else in the world, not buy it in the streets.
there are things called "reggae caffes" everywhere which function as some sort of coffeeshop
I HIGHLY doubt there are "reggae caffees" everywhere, seriously wtf
just coffee shops
well we dont have this =( I'm surprised that prague got coffee shops :o
there's some cool palace near the train station! also this famous bridge and the castle on the hill obviously.
prague has a lot to offer sight-seeing-wise. plan your trip accordingly, you can't just make it through all the things in one day (check wikipedia for main sights).
a little less than 100km from prague there is the sedlec ossuary:
in prague, check out the old town, the castle, the jewish district, the church in butchers street (it has a mummified hand hanging from its ceiling :D),...

as for accomodation, i'd stay just a little outside of the old-town-area (more cost-effective). also try not to get ripped off at bars or restaurants :D
Yeah, it's no prob, I plan to stay there for 5 days :)
Was there last summer for a week.After a week you have seen it already:P
city is nice, it isn't that expensive to get a sleeping place there but it used to be very cheap to get some food, but it's not like that anymore:(
watch out for whores in the streets. they're all stealing pricks
1. Hotel, bylam w nim dwa lata temu, za 8 dni zaplacilam 4 tys. ichnich koron na osobe, doslownie kilka przystankow tramwajem - minute od hotelu - na stare miasto, fajne sniadania, na przeciwko pub obok duzo sklepow w tym drogerii i spozywka -

2. Koniecznie przejdz sie mostem Karola na druga strone i zrob sobie spacer po tych wszystkich uliczkach - zaraz po zejsciu w lewo jest mega sklep z piwem, spokojnie setka wyboru - , sciana Lenona, most zakochanych, Hradczany - must watch

3. Nie jedz obiadow/kolacji na starym miescie - na osobe wychodzi za posilek okolo 300 koron, gdzie w prawdziwej czeskiej knajpce mozesz znalezc cos za 100

4. Nie kupuj od czarnoskorych na ulicy, predzej bar Tulip - if u know what i mean

5. Btw. kiedy jedziesz, bo z Robertem tez mamy plan?
Knowingly writing in Polish, when Homer clearly dictated his jounal in English.
to lazy to write in english, use google translation if u want
And I will report you for using Polish
Pokazuje mi 160 zl od osoby :O To w Wiedniu placilem polowe tego za noc.

Jade w sierpniu.
czyli po woodstocku? :XD
the architecture is really nice/old.
never leave the city center. u feel like u r deep in soviet territory.
There is an AMAZING view from the castle side of the city where you can see the whole of Prague. Great city with a hell of a lot to do. Try and find back street restaurants for great food at lower prices. May I ask who you're going with?
I'm going with my friends. Got no clue yet how big my group will be. The plan will certainly include some sight-seeing and salsa party @ evening :>
I'd recomend you to visit teahouses or cafés with your friends. Really nice place to sit down and have fun. Pubs are nice aswell.
nie idz na zlota uliczke(czy jak sie to nazywa) nic specjalnego. reszta miasta przepiekna :P
my z Ola chcemy jechac :D
chciec to wy sobie mozecie
I'm thinking about going there also, but first I want to conquer Germany Berlin !
Berlin is rather boring except for shopping and the nightlife of course. :)
Karlovy Lazne
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