Minecraft Scientific/Graphing calculator

Hello CF !

Here is something awesome made by a 16 years old dude from uk !


Minecraft Scientific/Graphing calculator - Sin Cos Tan Log Square root

QuoteHello there!
(Reddit name: MaxSGB)
Here is the project I've been working on ^.^
Specs: 6 digit addition and subtraction, 3 digit multiplication, division and trigonometric/scientific functions. (The reason these are only 3 digits is because multiplication and division would take a long time to decode/complete/encode. Also, the fraction display is hard enough to build for 3 digits, let alone 6 - 6 digit RAM would not only be massive, but a bit pointless since the curves follow the same pattern surrounding the peaks.). Graphing y=mx+c functions, quadratic functions, and equation solving of the form mx+c=0.

The screen and keypad were always meant to be the main feature of this machine. The main display boasts 25 digits. Square root signs are displayed and can change to accommodate any number of digits. Square root signs, add, minus, multiply and divide signs are displayed at appropriate times, and there is a full fraction display. The 7-segments for the fractions are the smallest possible, being only 3 wide, and stackable vertically and horizontally.

I made a custom texture pack for the keypad, and made wooden pressure plates invisible in order to get the best effect.

The calculator itself is just over 250x200x100 blocks. It contains 2 6-digit BCD number selectors, 2 BCD-to-binary decoders, 3 binary-to-BCD decoders, 6 BCD adders and subtractors, a 20 bit (output) multiplier, 10 bit divider, a memory bank and additional circuitry for the graphing function.

Music: City of Innocence, Gem Droids, - Dan O'Connor - Royalty-Free music at http://Danosongs.com Rocketry, Killing Time - Kevin MacLeod - http://Incompetech.com

Thank you very much for watching. As you can probably imagine, this took

You know what I expect you to do now
next project: gtx680

thats some massive work ^^
He must have nothing to do every day if you see what i mean ;DD
i wish i had nothing to see at all too :D
quite impressive id say :D
not even using redpower2.
not only has this guy to understand what he has to do but he had to work his way around the insufficiencies of redstone in MC.
wow that is absolutely...

not for him
I believe nobody has ever had any use for understanding how a computer works.
its only useful if hes studying or wants (dont know his age) to become a computer technician - it makes you understand all the bits and pieces on a hardware level. if not, i could imagine dozens of better ways to kill time myself
this is fucking mental
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