LoL runes
31 Mar 2012, 11:32
Good morning girls and boys!
I know it's been a while since my last journal :) Crossfire community always gave me good advices concerning LoL so I thought I'd ask you another question.
If you remember well you advised me to keep my PI to buy some runes later. The fact is I'm at level 22 now with 19840PI and 0 runes eheheheheh.
Is there someone who could tell me what kind of runes I should buy knowing that I mostly play mage like Morgana or carry ad such as Ashe.
LeFrancis. - Retired electronic gamer
great comeback????
Quints: flat AP
red: magicpenetration
yellow: manaregen/lvl or flat manaregen
blue: flat AP or AP per lvl
Quints: armorpen or movementspeed (on ashe you want a bit MS for kite the enemys
red: flat AD (gives quite a bit of nice dmg early on, otherwise armorpen)
yellow: flat armor (i like, reduces dmg taken from enemy AD & minions )
blue: i use attspeed, but MR/lvl or smth like that is nice aswell
morgana: ability power, magic pen, cooldown reduction, mana reg
ashe: armor pen, damage, mana reg, magic resist
Flat AP quints, mpen reds, Mpreg per level or hp per level yellows,flat mr or ap per level blues
yel: flat armor
blu: flat/lvl mr
for red and quint you can decide:
a) full pen red/quint = 25arpen
b) flat ad red/quint = 15dmg
c) flad ad red, arpen quint = 8.5dmg, 10arpen
d) arpen red, flat ad quint = 15 arpen, 6.75dmg
i took c) tho d) is imo nicer lategame
red: mpen
yel: manareg/lvl; flat manareg; flat armor, flat ap
blu: flat ap, ap/lvl
quint: flat ap
i prefer ap/lvl glyps over flat ap, since they outshine flats with reaching level 7! some armor is also nice to not get fully penetrated by ads and literally getting truedamaged by autoattacks.
+1,5% Movement Speed
+2.25 Attack Damage
+3.33 Armor Penetration
+2.7 Health regeneration / 5
+1.0 Gold / 10
+5.0 Ability Power
+26 Health
+0.95 Attack Damage
+1.7 Armor Penetration
+ 0.95 Magic Penetration
+1.7% Attack Speed
+0.91 Armor
+1.41 Armor
+1.2 Mana Regen/ 5 at lvl18
+19 Health at lvl 18
+2.7 Magic Resist at lvl 18
+0.99 Ability Power OR +3.1 Ability Power at lvl 18
Total amount of IP needed:[/u]
Quints: 29220
Red: 14760
Yellow: 7380
Blue: 5535
56895 IP is needed for most common runes. Good luck and have fun.
maybe ure good in ET, but u obv dont know shit about LoL sir
I'm not as experienced in ranked compared to saken, but that's just using your brain.
*edit* It would even be good on lee sin if not for his passive