1st April Bedtimen Story

Im gonna tell you little bedtimestory, because i am such a nice guy.

Some years ago in a far far village behind the famous 7 hills lived a guy called Stuart. image: CGS%20end This is Stuart. Stuart was a cool guy and loved by everyone. He helped everyone in the village and got the respect by the old guys. One day he had birthday and everyone gave him a lot of presents. The Problem was that everyone gave him the same present - socks. He hates socks and he became very very sad, because he had so many socks but didnt like them at all. When he opened his last present he got surprised. There were no socks in the last present. It was the best present he ever had. image: ktmmxxjp He wanted to eat his watermelon as fast as he could, but before he could eat his watermelon he had to wash his hands first. So Little Tosspot went to the Bathroom to wash his hands. When he came back his watermelon wasnt there anymore and he became very sad. Polaks have invaded his little village to steal his beloved watermelon. Tosspot sweared to god that he will fight back.
So he started to train hard go pro. After some time his training finally finished and he became a ninja image: kj7h4lhm. He walked through the country together with his best friend Fumble and his big dog. image: ellr9qpuThe way to Poland was way too far a way and all the horses were dead. So they had to find alternatives. So Fumble ride his dog and Stuart found an animal in the river which was perfect to ride. image: kfvxqcvo. After some days they finally arrived in the polish headquarter. There was a big castle which belonged to King Retardiciek IV image: vqpo43qc and Queen Razz image: q6bbr79o. When Stuart saw him eating some innocent watermelons he totally freaked out. Before he could enter the castle he had fight the guard who looked like a famous actor image: les4lg6f. Fumble and Stuart killed the guard and entered the castle.
King Retardiciek wasnt impressed at all and took his rifle and nearly killed Fumble and his dog with one of his known trickshots. Stuart was lying in the dust, with no chance to get the watermelon back, but then he had a flashback and shit like that and his power came back. He stood up and transformed to the next level image: y8nw298d

SUPER TOSSPOT! He kicked King Retardiciek straight in his face and managed to knock him down. He took back his watermelon but then suddenly King Retardiciek backstabbed him and won the fight. Stuart fell on the ground and his head was cut off. It was one of Retardicieks special abilities. He was able to cut off things with his knife. image: yq99aouv
Stuart was beaten. The King called all his medics and they managed to fix his head. They brainwashed the little Stuart and we all know that all polaks look the same. Thats why the King fixed his face aswell. This should be some kind of punishment for him, because he tried to steal back his watermelon. When Stuart looked in the mirror he saw the following picture image: ohimlftc .
What do we learn from this story ? Everyone in the country and in the world should be afraid of King Retardiciek and noone should mess around with him, because he always gets what he wants. No matter if its Clanbaseland or E.S.L.

The End.

Admins: Cmon its first april and its just a joke. Dont delete this :( took me some time to write all that crap...
had to fix some pictures first..sry for deleting old journal :(
Clicked the clicky bits, enjoyed it.
Had to fix some pictures unfortunately
SimonKinsler is taking this a way too serious^^
Well it's because robert doesn't want those pictures on here, respect his privacy.
yeah like nobody saw his ratface already
and why doesn't he want it? Isn't he the one who shouts on the loudest level about everything and everybody?
So because he is sometimes,debatable often, annoying we should allow pictures of him on crossfire?
why aren't we disallowing him to talk bullshit the whole day?
he has a point, you dont ;)
The fuck? You'd have to be a complete fag to mind this kind of humor.
because his face looks like a friggin trainwreck
XD gonna take that to homework someday!
lol wie kommst du immer auf solche geschichten razzah :DD
echt krass^^
i couldnt hold it anymore at queen razz :DDD
this face will hunt me in my dreams man..
herr razzah, you shouldve censored his teeth instead of his eyes, for the sake of humanity :/!

The pic with toss holding his own head is pure gold though :D
HIPROSS, love it.
i was amused.
I liked it, one day... Stuart will backstab King Retardiciek IV and Queen Razz!
too short, did not read
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