ET:Zombies - Weapons

Since we're now expanding the weapon system, we need new weapons to add.

We would need ready made models as the modellers are already swamped with work.

Shotgun, molotovs, baseball bat etc...

you name it please....

Big updates since last release.

Zombies now have a moved called SWIPE, which is claws, and this is the only weapon they have. They suffer less damage from Humans and can't sprint or walk. We will add invisibility for next server compile (1 time usage for 3 seconds).

Oh and we removed the fireteams in old release, we still kept these removed but added the health bar inside the brand new scoreboard.

Oh and we'll try and draw the revive icon through the wall to beat the need for the commandmap as there's none!

image: l_scoreboard_health

gl with it
chainsaw :D

instead of knife or so xD

GL with it anyway Danje :) cant wait to kill some zombies
Spas 12 shotgun

or sawn off shotgun
Bottle of acid :3
flaming jizz
lightsaber ofc or just ordinary katana :(
I might install ET just to plat ET Zombie Mode, keep it up and keep on alerting us when it's almost done.
We will continue to update on here :), we have a web dev doing the site right now, we will have EVERYTHING available there, including latest fixes & latest compiles.

We was aiming to bring this as OPENSOURCE, but we're aiming for a 100% completion before even considering releasing the code.

With the new anti-warp code and such, we don't want to fuck with licenses and such. I personally don't care, but I think N!trox does.

When we have a playable game mode we'll record a video/trailer for the game. It's 100Mb+ worth of edits, so beware of big download.
Torque Bow?
What about an anti-cheat btw? How u gonna work that out?
Cheaters will exist in all games, some will try prevent but they will always fail.

If people have their mind set on cheating, they'll cheat.

We haven't come to this crossroad yet.
The fun shouldn't be ruined 'cause of some pathetic faggots, and they will be there for sure
In my opinion you should try and get someone to work on it from now on, because if you want the project to be serious, it's always better without cheaters, or with the less possible
Such measures require A LOT of planning and licensing. We will take a look at what can be done but we do not promise anything, unless an anti-cheat developer contacts us.

The mod is meant to be for fun & some scary games with mates, not a competitive scene. Cheaters will not gain ANYTHING from cheating tbh.
Allright then :)
And people cheat on publics (not even talking about etpro only), so don't worry, they will come on zombiemod :P
summon an atronach spell/weapon
Zombies do not have magic powers:D
They're fucking zombies... of course they are magical. How the hell did they get there in the first place
I blame Nazi's.
german engineering at it's best
Cracked up
teddy bear explosives!!!!!!!
nuclear bomb :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
chainsaw,throwing knifes,machete,shotgun,bow ,c4 and dunno thats all right now maybe will edit some more things :P
Nice :), I was thinking about pliers for nipple twister.
a bow with explosive tips,

i think you can just use the panzer shell/animation/explosion.
dual uzi
double pistol holding sideways

image: 6b3453536d565a6f6b6e2b5231773d3d

shovel is nice too !
xD, possible indeed.
open up worms armageddon gun list and go
peeing like in Postal games i think
stab em with pencils
Wouldn't be bad if you made a post stating what that mod is all about.
I still have no idea what it is all about.
Well I would just import those experimental weapons from RTCW (tesla gun was awesome). Like C4 or chainsaw or any modern weapon wouldn't imho really fit in since it's set in around year 1944 I guess :P? If I'm wrong, my bad but still... maybe you can be creative with those experimental guns and come up with really bizzare weapons like three barrel shotgun shooting acid or ultrasound gun which makes zombies expload :D.
The flagpole as a spear.
Sup with this zombie thing?
put in a vibrator pleas, pink else nvm
bring back the venom from rtcw for major pewpews

Also chainsaw
I have the venom model, skin & weapon code. We'll add it very soon ;).
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