Worst Company 2012

image: 1e2xqc

QuoteAfter more than 250,000 votes, Consumerist readers ultimately decided that the type of greed exhibited by EA, which is supposed to be making the world a more fun place, is worse than Bank of America's avarice, which some would argue is the entire point of operating a bank.

- Consumerist.com.

Ironically I will still probably purchase the upcoming DLC content for BF3. EA has released a lot of trash recently but BF3 is the one game I don't mind forking out extra for (no matter how many times I randomly disconnect from servers or it crashes, losing all session stats). First world problems...
ea are robbing bastards, especially on fifa!
EA haven't made a good FIFA game since RTWC 98!
but you cant walk away from fifa...:o
2005 and 2012 were good
I probably mean more so in terms of content, RTCW 98 had All the leagues, Cups, RTWC, WC and even indoor 5v5 mode. Now you have to buy at least 3 different games to get the same amount of content! (also Boban still played back then p:).

Smarter business on their part, yes. Customer satisfaction, no.
Customer satisfaction is so >2000

When you bought something before 2000 then it probably still exists, because they only sold qualitystuff. I mean nowadays everything gets broken after maximum 2 years, because the companys do it on purpose, so you buy something new..
Yeah I know (in industrial design they call it 'built in obsolescence'). I just hope more inde developers like Markus Persson (Minecraft) continue to create content and not let themselves be bought out by the "big boys" and see their content ruined.
There's a EC2012 DLC coming for 15 bucks afaik. While you still have to pay for it, it's not a full release.
die säcke haben nigerien vergessen
aber nicaraguen ist dabei?
I'm pretty torn between whether I hate EA or not. I've had more fun with FIFA 12 than pretty much any other game except for ET. But at the same time, it's so fucking broken and EA aren't exactly known to be willing to fix any issues with their games. So it's a tough one.
True, FIFA12 is their best effort in a long time. Going to get FIFA Street this afternoon so I can nutmeg my mate until he cries beautiful sweet man tears.

FIFA12 Impact Engine has provided many funny moments;
I think most of the upset revolves around their shitty Origin support and the disappointing ending to ME3 and the way they killed off reknowned developing studios of the past decade.
I personally hate them most about what they did for Dragon Age 2
They fucked up bf3 with latest patch though :-(
Only simple minded fools are buying EA's games. At least pirate them but stop showing any financial support. Gaming industry has been going down the shitter for years now because of them.
Quote by KyykkySensei on 05/04/12, 07:24:08Only simple minded fools are buying EA's games. At least pirate them but stop showing any financial support. Gaming industry has been going down the shitter for years now because of them.
Thats when it started to majorly decrease^^
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