Dota2 125669$ cup

So i have seen a lot of LoL players here, no surprise, its so easy (maybe even fun) game, but how many real playaz are out there? Would it be possible to make some cup for cf dota2 players? ever? no? yes? im just wondering
I guess I could play some.
doubt it
i heard dota2 bad copy of this true???
No this isnt true, i will explain you why:

Defense of the Ancients (DotA) is an action real-time strategy mod for the video game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, based on the "Aeon of Strife" map for StarCraft. The objective of the scenario is for each team to destroy the opponents' Ancients, heavily guarded structures at opposing corners of the map. Players use powerful units known as heroes, and are assisted by allied heroes and AI-controlled fighters. As in role-playing games, players level up their heroes and use gold to buy equipment during the mission.[2]
The scenario was developed with the "World Editor" of Reign of Chaos, and was updated upon the release of its expansion, The Frozen Throne. There have been many variations of the original concept; the most popular being DotA Allstars, which eventually was simplified to DotA with the release of version 6.68.[3] This specific scenario has been maintained by several authors during development, the latest of whom being the anonymous developer known as "IceFrog" developing the game since 2005.
Since its original release, DotA has become a feature at several worldwide tournaments, including Blizzard Entertainment's BlizzCon and the Asian World Cyber Games, as well as the Cyberathlete Amateur and CyberEvolution leagues; in a 2008 article of video game industry website Gamasutra, the article's author claimed that "DotA is likely the most popular and most-discussed free, non-supported game mod in the world".[4] Valve Corporation is currently developing a stand-alone sequel, Dota 2.[5]

DotA pits two teams of players against each other: the Sentinel and the Scourge. Players on the Sentinel team are based at the southwest corner of the map, and those on the Scourge team are based at the northeast corner. Each base is defended by towers and waves of units which guard the main paths leading to their base. In the center of each base is the "Ancient", a building that must be destroyed to win the game.[6][7]
Each human player controls one hero, a powerful unit with unique abilities. In DotA, players on each side choose one of 108 heroes,[8] each with different abilities and tactical advantages over other heroes. The scenario is highly team-oriented; it is difficult for one player to carry the team to victory alone.[9] Defense of the Ancients allows up to ten players in a five-versus-five format and an additional two slots for referees or observers, often with an equal number of players on each side.

Because the gameplay revolves around strengthening individual heroes, it does not require one to focus on resource management and base-building, unlike most traditional real-time strategy games. Killing computer-controlled or neutral units earns the player experience points; when enough experience is accumulated, the player gains a level. Leveling up improves the hero's toughness and the damage they can inflict, and allows players to upgrade their spells or skills. In addition to accumulating experience, players also manage a single resource: gold. The typical resource-gathering of Warcraft III is replaced by a combat-oriented money system; in addition to a small periodic income, heroes earn gold by killing hostile units, base structures, and enemy heroes.[10] This has caused emphasis on a technique called "last-hitting," which is when the player attacks a hostile unit when "its hit points are low enough to kill it with one blow".[11] Using gold, players buy items to strengthen their hero and gain abilities; certain items can be combined with recipes to create more powerful items. Buying items that suit one's hero is an important tactical element of the mod.[12] Item choice also affects play style, as any given item may increase one statistic while leaving another unchanged.
DotA offers a variety of game modes, selected by the game host at the beginning of the match. The game modes dictate the difficulty of the scenario, as well as whether people can choose their hero or are assigned one randomly. Many game modes can be combined, allowing more flexible options.[13]

In October 2009, IceFrog was hired by Valve Corporation, leading a team in a project that he described as "great news for DotA fans".[43] Valve officially announced the stand-alone sequel to the original mod, Dota 2, in October of 2010.[5] Dota 2 follows heavily in the gameplay style of DotA, with aesthetics and heroes working as direct ports to the original mod. In addition to the pre-conceived gameplay constants, Dota 2 also features Steam support and profile tracking, intended to emphasize and support the game's matchmaking.".[44]
The marketing and trademark of Dota 2 by Valve has gained concern and opposition from the original DotA Allstars contributors working at Riot Games, as well as Blizzard Entertainment, both of which have legally opposed the franchising of Dota by Valve.[45]
yes! team pussyhunters will be represented then :S 0/18 carry traxex jyrkz will win for us
Thought DOTA2 was still in beta?
rather easy to obtain a key these days
gr0ss couldnt get me one -((((((

hypocritical bastard. after i gave my 2 spare keys to RL friends of his he was so mad he wouldnt talk to me for 2 weeks.
there are still A LOT of people without keys, its not that easy at all
we took the survey not long after it went up and i was the first one to get a key, one week later.
back then it was quite cool to have one but in the following weeks every single guy on my ts got their own keys and invites so i figure it cant be that hard, given you have played dota before and the answers you gave in the survey made sense.
the answers didn't matter, all that mattered was your hardware. i had like 20 keys at one point and gave them to friends, but its still kinda hard to get dota2 keys (not >very< hard anymore though). just see all those beggars and key-traders on streams and dota forums
still 5,50-27€ on ebay o.O
friend of mine made 60 with his 2 spare keys
Coz no1 wants em LoL
And even in BETA there are tournaments with 10 000$+ and of course The International, whose winner gets 1 000 000$ .
Valve flew them in themselves so no bullshit from multigamings and the money was paid during the next month. It's only beta cause not every hero is out yet. And the bugs only come with new heroes.
I dont think it's beta because of the heroes, but it's beta because there are quite a lot features missing that they want to be in before releasing the game.
to name a few: tutorial, more useful bots, generally the whole learn tab (including the whole coach/mentor stuff), team management, more servers and especially better servers in asia)
im sure there are more i cant think of right now

if theyd just release the game right now all the stupid LoL players and generally casual players would try the game out and would be disappointed really fast because all they do is lose, there have to be good ways to teach them how to get better
Dont really care about any tutorials. Played dota too long. But in the competition point of view, only heroes are in beta stage, everything else is pretty much ready.
I dont care about any tutorials either, but new players do and so does Valve ;) but yeah you're right the game itself is pretty much polished. i think all prizepools added up (excluding the last international, which was like 1600000$) were like 200k$+ already for Dota2 (paid by sponsors), and that are ~6-7 months of a game that is still in beta (and thus with a limited amount of players).
I've spent half of my freetime with it :D
hFE ready to rape
smirz gonna carry me and monkey
smirzz switched from lion to clinkz and now its destroyer (but not very strong)
avi to roll noobs eventho i suck :o(
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