Ubuntu Haaaalp

Hey guys
I just installed ubuntu what should I do from then? Could you guys please tell me, which programs are good for installing and how I use linux? Can I play ET or other games?


image: W3ZOn

Ma first screenshot:P
using ubuntu atm because my laptop broke and I fucking like it! I'm not doing anything except for browsing and listening music though. ;)

You can play ET but tzac won't work
Yea it runs well on my intel pentium 4, much better than win7 :( what can I install otherwise?
depends on what do you want to install :D?
maybe a program for music, torrent, maybe games?, themes and on
I'm using vlc for my music, no idea about torrents, and I'm not playing any games aswell. :D
for music I use spotify, else you can use whatever you like really -- lots to choose from
XChat for IRC

If you like Unity (default) then fine, else use gnome3-shell (I think it was) or maybe Cinnamon -- or even KDE

and dont listen to people telling you to not use linux, its really good ;)
what is ubuntu? sorry please I don't understand wich one i even have :d
open a terminal and do

uname -a

then you know which version you use
thanks got a screenshot now
in ubuntu you have already a lot of programs there :P
http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/2128/mydesktopke.png my desktop :))

program for music: banshee or amarok (to install: sudo apt-get install banshee)
to dl: ktorrent
funny thing is:
i just summarized your activity on this page and an admin thought I was flaming.
Looks like you are pahtetic enough for people to believe im trolling.
go ahead and report the least insulting thing ive ever written in any of your journals.
please get the fuck off my journal faggot
thankfully you may still express your discontent with people on this site and sry but no, ill give my 2 cents when i read intel pentium 4 in 2012 and "i installed linux, how do i use it".
it just suits your kind of content contribution so well that i cant contain myself.
so only because I have a intel pentium 4 and it's 2012 you pick on me?
and because you make cod4, reddit, 9gag, lolpics, hon>lol and all these sort of journals.
also to install a (comparably) complicated OS without having any clue is the cherry on top of it all.
everything you do/post is pure faceplam to me.

e: you even posted about your braces.... srsly what the flying F?
you really are young
deluge for torrents.
pidgin for im.
amarok for music.
vlc for videos.
gimp for photos.
thanks:) does one also use foobar on linux?
so you just installed ubuntu for the sake of it..
dont, really :p
if you are not gonna do something you can only do on ubuntu then dont try
well I have dual boot atm and win 7 is soo slow on my pc :(
strange :S what processor do you got?
intel pentium 4 and 512 mb ram
you gotta upgrade
i want to build a new computer:) but I'm still not sure what to buy
i5 (i7 overpriced and not needed)
gtx500 series (or similar ati if you wonna save money and dont care about driver problems)
8-16gb ram (you dont setup a 32bit system in 2012 and RAM is dirt cheap)
600w psu
some random mainboard

not expensive and as much of an upgrade as not humanly possible to conceive.
danke:) is der 560 ti gut?
i prefer the nvidia gfx cards from EVGA and 60 is usually a decent choice, rather low in the series range but any 500 will easily do for years and the gfx card usually is the most expensive thing when building a new rig
rather a psu around 500W.
And i would wait for ivy bridge.
i usually overkill a bit with the power on my psu just so ill never have to worry about it and to be able and slot anything i want (additional hdds/sdds, soudcards, ...) into it.
but ye, without overclocking a 500w psu is sufficient for 15 and no crossfire/sli.
With overclocking 500W is enough, also if you are going to use 4 soundscards 10 ssds and 5 hdds.
Those thing don't use a lot of power.
as i said i dont mind going a bit overboard with my psu was usually the difference between 500w and 600w is 5-10e aka 1 drink in a bar.
That's not the main difference, but efficiency is.
i am a student.
electricity is "all inclusive"..
I am student too but in IT.
That config you gave that pc will be using around 360W fully loaded.
500W is being generous and because it's not good for the lifetime to run a PSU on 100% also no in terms of efficiency. If you take a PSU that is not near what your pc really needs your PSU will be less efficient. And you wont save a couple of euros it will be more the longer you run your pc. Quality PSU is needed if you want this really to work.

I have similar pc here, but with watercooling ( pump using 18W ) overclocked to 4,5GHz and GTX560 also overclocked with a Seasonic 520W. And still that one is more than enough.

It's a thing from the past to buy overkill PSU. You will more likely buy a 400W PSU in the future seeing the decrease in power usage from mainstream pc equipment, Ivy bridge is an example of that. On the high end market you will always need higher wattage psu, just like with cars the ones who are the fastest use a lot of fuel.
512 mb? REALLY? XD
is this 2000
512 ram lol!
would love to see u use vista
f*cking wrong
my advice is DO IT

just like we all did with windows on first times

install, explore, learn just like u always did
dont become brainless just because of lazyness
dude, he is obviously not going to use ubuntu to become a computer expert
he probably just wants to play games etc

dont get me wrong, i like unix but for forever beginners, stay on windows
ubuntu is designed for forever beginners and its quite as easy to use as Windows. So why not giving it a try?
because 90% of the software out there is made for windows.
because over 90% of the viruses out there are made for windows.

Also I might doubt that he wants to use professional photo or audio editing tools like photoshop or logic, which cost some thound euros.
Thats why he can try it, I guess you're smart enough to know that there are equivalent software for linux
Tbh after reading random parts of this journal, it looks like he installed Ubuntu because Win7 is so damn slow. I personally don't think that it's a good reason to get to know Linux :P

Ofcourse he can try it, everyone can, but he shouldn't expect to be able to run everything like on windows.
ofc it will never work like windows, becaus its linux *facepalm*

The problem is we all started with Windows in our first computer experience, I guess, thats why noone wants to change his computer knowledge
What I mean is that he probably expects Linux to be the same as Windows.

Also, if you facepalm for that already, I guess you're facepalming pretty much on a day?
I do it pretty often when I check CF :D

hey since you kinda showed already that you have experience with linux, do you also have some 'more' knowledge bout ssh?

I keep running into "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host" (already googled it ofc), already raised max backlog and somaxconns, also added 'sshd: ALL' to /etc/hosts.allow but it keeps happening :( this is very annoying, since it will give me 'server X down' mails, which I cant really take serious anymore because of this xD

edit: actually forgot to raise these 2 settings on every machine, did that now and haven't received any 'server down' mail yet :OO looks promising :P
I am sorry dont have any linux server administration knowledge, just for home use and this stuff.

I am not this LFS or Gentoo Geek :D
Have some knowledge abou the basic and most of all popular distris
so if i know ubuntu im a computer expert!!!

gonna put this on my CV now!
nope. But computer experts do know unix
there is no need to became an expert

specially at ubuntu
u can just choose to install it or not and explore it normally like u did when u got ur first computer

no one can expect linux to be exactly like windows
the funtionality is exactly the same(yeah u lose at games@linux) everything else has a fair equivalent, u just cannot assume its windows, it doesnt work that way
there is no reason for him to use ubuntu besides it being for free and his curiosity

he is used to windows
he has windows
anything he wants can be torrented on windows
ther is no reason to run w7 on his pc either
true :p
he should upgrade

poor fucker
I like this. You should go on IRC more too because we need to talk about your 64bit version ;)
crossfire teamspeak
Make sure you get Amarok 1.4 or something as the new one is shit.
kTorrent is alright for downloading
Unity sucks, use gnome or anything else :<
Can run many games on there, ET included ofc.
what distro you on bro?

newbuntu sucks
how do I take a screenshot?
print button on keyboard,
but there also such a tool for taking screenshots
thanks just made a screenshot:P
Running P4 still? My condolences.
u know that u cant play with tzac on linux right? so eth wont work D:
download eth
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