need high fps config naw

Hey guys

Can somebody give me a config for ET, where I get a high fps rate? Thanks:)

image: 1333747105569

Instagram Hipsters
image: file

This will guarantee you, 125 stable FPS
I already have everything on my gfx card on low
he gave u the opposite settings of gettin good fps :D
just turn antialiasing off and all that stuff...
anisotropic filtering: off
antialiasing - settings: --- (cant set anything)
antialiasing - gamma correction: off
antialiasing mode: off
antialiasing - transparency: off
CUDA - GPUs: global settings (all) in use
tripple buffer: off
single rendering shit (however): 3
multi-display/mixed GPU speed: multi display performance mode (everybody says singledisplay performance mode gives u more fps, tho it doesnt rly matter)
texturefiltering - anisotropic optimization: on
texturefiltering - negative lodbias: clamp
texturefiltering - quality: high performance
texturefiltering - trilineare optimization: on
threaded optimization: off
texturefiltering - anisotropic filter-optimization: off
vsync: off by default

u can also download rivatuner to set up some openGL settings like lodbias, if its "2" in ur config u can force it to 2 with rivatuner, so u dont get it into negatives.. aswell u can set up some other shit, registry clean+registry defrag+computer defrag + download the program gamebooster or advanced system care, helped me out ALOT, tho advanced system care is even better, and so u can start turbomode on tuneup aswell!
My config
fucking hipsters posting vintage pictures of their huge boobs
Kinda missing the ice on et_ice
what about the snow
That too I think
is et_ice another version of the map or you can remove the snow?
It's some bug with my ET that somehow loads a texture skin with grass
cheater busted
you know what
>inb4 shitstorm
in profile
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