In need of some help '.'

Yoo cf,

I am having some problems with my fps for a long time and I can't find any solution, I hope somebody can help me out ! (:

I'm playing with a fairly stable fps of 100. (Only some lagg when bankdoors blow on Goldrush :p)

When i'm trying to play with an fps of 76 (to make it smoother) I get a 1-2 seconds lagg each 2 or 3 minutes.. and I don't really get why? o:
It's like i'm getting 999 for one second and then I can play again..

I have the exact same thing with 125 fps.. Stable for like 2 minutes and then whoopss 999 for a second..

That never happens when using 100 fps.

I was never able to play with an fps of 76/125 without getting that 1 second lagg..

Now I'm wondering if anybody else has the same issue or if anyone could help me out.. That would be really awesome !

Thanks in advance !

nice chick
i dunno lol
format c
format c, update drivers etc... uninstall ET..........
play cod4 instead
I'm sucking to hard there :DD
r_primitives 2
u play on wireless i-net?
Ja, maar ik vind het raar dat 100 perfect werkt en 76 niet, terwijl 76 juist lager is o:
[nl]Hmm ja, ik kan je wel vertellen dat de 999 freezes kunnen komen door je wireless i-net (wat overigens te verhelpen valt). Verder zou je kunnen kijken of je iets bij CCC (als je een ATI kaart hebt) of dat programmatje voor nvidia kunt gebruiken om bepaalde dingen (zoals anti-alialsing, mipmap detail) op preformance te zitten in plaats van op hogere kwaliteit. [/nl]
Translate, same problem here
Ik denk niet dat het aan m'n wireless internet ligt, omdat ik het probleem niet heb als ik 100 fps gebruik..
Ik heb een Nvidia kaart, en heb gisteren de drivers nog eens upgedate en had nog steeds hetzelfde probleem, maar ik kan idd eens kijken naar de instellingen (:

Wel raar dat ik 999 zou krijgen door mn videokaart :p

Dankje voor de reply !
com_maxfps + cl_maxpackets combination could be the cause
maybe cl_packetdup as well

but still I can't understand how, since with 100fps you send more packets per second than with 76 or 125 fps

is it fps lag, or just internet lag? when it happens you still have 76 fps or it drops?
/cg_lagometer 2 can show a graph of your fps
I'm using cl_maxpackets 100 & cl_packetdup 2.

Ye, I don't understand either :p

Its certainly fps lag because with 100 fps, I never have problems, only when putting fps to 76 or 125 I have that 1 second lagg

Thanks for the response !
If you don't have packet loss, you can try to lower your cl_packetdup to 1 (or even to 0) and see if there is a difference.

There is a command to show how many commands you send in each packet, it's /cl_showsend 1 (put it back to 0 after you check, because it will spam all your console with a lot of numbers)

You will see a bunch of numbers in your console. The one in parentheses is the number of commands you send each time, as you can see it depends on fps, maxpackets (but that is always 100) and packetdup.

If you lower packetdup, that number should decrease giving you smaller packets.
never really found out if theres a difference in different packetdup values but what would you suggest it to be for wireless (stable) +80 ping 125 fps, what about wireless (not so stable), +100 ping 125 fps, is there anything optimal to aim for ? is it ping related at all or just for the sake of having actual packet loss?
packet loss is not desirable of course, I just told him to try, because not sending duplicate packets would reduce his bandwidth. If you never lose packets you can even set cl_packetdup to 0. If you lose packets it doesn't do wonders anyway.

I don't know if there is a way to check for client packet loss.
When you lose packets from the server, you will see an empty space in the bottom part of your lagometer

If you see that the bottom (green) part is not flat, but the upper part is normal (i.e. all blue) it could be client packet loss, but it can also be just an unsteady ping.
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