which motherboard!

hi, so my pc has been half dead lately, so I'm thinking of buying a few new parts

currently looking at the intel core i7 2700k
I'd need a good mobo suggestion (ATX), my 16gb corsair vengeance (1600mhz) has to fit cuz those are only a few months old. and my Connectors:

20+4-pin ATX
4+4-pin CPU
6-pin PCI-E
6+2-pin PCI-E
5 x Peripheral
1 x Floppy
3 x SATA

then I'm also looking at getting the HD7850 2GB, possibly from MSI.

I'd be replacing:

AMD Phenom™ II X6 1090T
Sapphire AMD Radeon 6850 1GB

image: dat_ass_066
jep u r playing to much et :DDD
http://nl.hardware.info/ and check the advise section.
wait for Ivy Bridge processor and get a Z77 motherboard.
Isnt there a new series of Intel cpu's coming very soon?
new intel series always start at 500+ euros :D i don't wanna go over 300 :P
Yeah but It should make the prices of the old ones go down
the prices of old cpu's actually don't go down..maybe if you get them on ebay or some store that just wants to get rid of them. Look at some price graphs over the last 3 years.
well if you hold on like a month after ivy get released then almost any "lowest ivy processor" will be okay (i think same price as sandy with higher perf)

also i7 isn't worth it if you aren't making any photoshop,moviemaking,...

i5 2500(k) is the best perf/money INTEL proc for gaming atm
I am going to make my movie in a couple of months, I'm also taking that into consideration x)
well you're talking about real life movie or ETmovie??

if its ETmovie i don't think you need such an high end proc as i7 are.

but if you like wasting money, go for it!
if u would do as much sex as u play et they would call u sex machine
They can't say that about you can they fucking virgin :D

in translation your a littble bit retarded right now but dont worry ,as much hits u get from life u will grow up eventually.

how s things at carrefour?got any angry customer ready to slap your bitch ass face?
u are really a fucking moron
I guess I'll just have to tell the ladies that I'm a fairly decent ET player, for now :), thanks for the tip though, that's one awesome title you'd give me.
u welcome,and i hope u find one sexy chick that will suck your dick cause u are a beast in et
depends on what exactly do you need from that mobo. But assuming that you want to do some nice overclocking, ASRock Z77 EXTREME4 could be good for you (if you are ok with mATX mobo, you can go for ASUS MAXIMUS IV GENE-Z/GEN3).
As for graphic card, stay away from MSI, they tend to be noisy, or at least noisier than same cards from other manufacturers. I personally prefer Sapphire, but Asus and Gigabite are also good way to go (depends on what kind of cooling you want, if you want oced version from the start and so on).
looking for an ATX mobo, should've added that, thanks
well, you should be satisfied with that ASRock Z77. Or you could look at Asus P8Z77 branch, to find setup that fits you without paying for useless stuff.
I'm looking at the Asus Sabertooth P67, any thoughts ?
go for p68 newer version!
I wouldnt go for P67 just because its a bit outdated compared to P68/Z68. However, there should be insignificant (if any) cpu performance difference between P67 and newer P68/Z68, the main differences are in technologies concerning SSD caching and some other not so important minor features for you (something with QuickSync and other i-series related stuff, but nothing dramatic, especially not for gamers). And I believe all of those chipsets will allow you to safely overclock your 2700K.
I actually just received my SSD that I ordered yesterday: OCZ Vertex 4 128GB i'm going to install it now :D it's supposed to be insanely fast. :D cheers for the info's mate i'll read it up and consider it all together. If you'd have to make a budget choice, what would it be? (around 600/700) to get a processor/mobo/gfx card
wait for ivy bridge

e: intel also released the ivy bridge chipset, mobo's following soon I guess
There are already mobos that can run 22nm CPUs :D in fact i own one
1 x Floppy

ask Norway Domi
<@dev`Domi> AMD Phenom&#153; II X6 1090T
<@dev`Domi> hes replacing that
<@dev`Domi> rofl
<@dev`Domi> I just bought a new one of that
<@dev`Domi> XD

how did he buy that? they're not on the market anymore x) and I'm pretty sure I'm getting issues with my PC because of my processor atm, pretty much ruled everything out except my mobo/processor :D thats why i replace :)
I just bought a Amd phenom X6 1055T (About 100 euro's) but I had to send it back because one or multiple cores were bad (Sudden crashes with "intervall not received". I was able to run Skyrim on high quality without problems with

Amd phenom X6 1055T (Yes ,even while it was broken)
HD 4890 XxX
Asrock 880GMH/ U3S3 (Motherboard)
Hyper DIMM 1600mhz 8GB
those proc are ok, i own myself an amd quad core and they are quite good for that price.

also i can found those everywhere on the inet shop and irl shop.
Why would you buy AMD Videocard? Nvidia 680GTX? Nvidia 580GTX? Think about it :D
I'm not planning to just throw away so much money, I'm viewing everything by budget, though i want my processor to be either this i7 or similar, no less. benchmarks show that the HD7850 is about as good as the ones you've mentioned, though those are atleast 100 more euros. x)
seems like u got money tho ure a nolife :D
wauuuuuuw pretty hilarious mate :) u got me there! now if i may be funny : i just finished a study last year and when im going to work in a few months ill make more money than your parents combined :D ahihihihihihi no offense, just wanted to funny xDDDDDD :)) thx
i dont think so :D my das is self-dependent insolvency analyst ... sorry, you will never have more money than my parents combined... oh btw... u should better go outside and breath something else than ur computers air... u got e-friends only i bet since u always play on the weekends, otherwise ure some disgusting shithead who doesnt get any invite to some partys :) pretty poor life to play et the whole day :DDD
Too bad your parents drive around in wheelchairs and you have to pump up their tires every weekend instead of going out to party, how does it feel wheelchairrepairboy?

fun but still shit jokes
i dont even live 2gether with my parents u dumbass... + im out 2 partys over the whole weekend, i dont even go home u little brat
Sorry, didn't know you didn't even go home. That changes everything.
overclock3d.net and make a post :)
Filled with helpful guys and gals!
I could teach you a thing or two about analysing things, here's one. You only mentioned your father having a half decent job, which automaticly means your mother is a fat slag that either works as a fucking assistant secretary or sits at home eating cookies. Right now, at my age (21) I'm eligible to earn between 50 and 77k per year, depending on which company I'd go for, (right now Shell is my primary target) fyi, I've studied Process Operator (HBO) and I'm going to continue doing so, which will require university. When I'm as old as your father I'll have women like your mother on payroll cleaning my house so they can support their wheelchair children, such as yourself.

have a good day
and then you will wake up, fat nerd
so go buy the i7 990x and 4way sli gtx 680 + ssd 512 go x2

np for this budget!
Wait a month for the new mobos and cpus from intel
3570K (will be around 200 euros) on a Z77 chipset mobo (dont really know, probably around 100/120 euros) with the ati 7850 graphics card (little more than 200 euros)
let me care
mijn enige zwarte vriend :') hoe gaat het vriend
ask domi. once he bought a new motherboard and got an instant skillboost :D

e: he answered already :l
Didn't read LoL

image: 1238006100Rn7NBT
HAHA :D hoe gaat het broeder
Lekker, nog een paar daagjes voordat ik naar UK ga en de pwn weer on is hoor
Haha ok nice man, koen moet ook weer even aangebrand worden, gister met hem gespeeld en het was vreselijk, ik was ook wel iets hard voor hem, maarja ach, ik heb zo mijn verwachtingen :( spreek je binnekort wel, laturrr
Don't take sandy bridge.

Go for motherboard with Z77 chipset and Ivy bridge cpu that was just introduced.

http://tweakers.net/pricewatch/300749/gigabyte-ga-z77x-ud3h.html#tab:info for example.

Any Z77 board from MSI/Asus/Gigabyte/Asrock will do

Also i don't see your power supply just your connectors?!!

And why are you upgrading since your PC is pretty fast, and overclocking that CPU on that motherboard works good too. For example my max http://hyperion-gaming.net/files/bench/4punt3ghz06.png
oooooooooh edwin, wat ben jij toch weer crazy man :ddd
pauper nerd
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