RTS to play with friends.

Yo guys,

i was thinking of what could be a nice RTS to play on lan.

I was thinking of C&C Generals.

Ofcourse im not buyin shit so i need hamachi or smtn ?

Hook me up !

image: 1
dat pic

warcraft3 is nice since you can play a lot of nice custom maps as well
c&c generals is rly nice , but try red alert 2 or 3 too
feels so nice to have nuclear power :D
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
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if you plan to play generals/ zero hour, patch it to the most recent one. it will massively increase game stability - expecially sync probs which wil let the game die when happen.
Lol'd at this comment :D
Quoteits so bullshit. yes, she took a lot of photos. but you can't put any sort of media on the internet, and then be surprised that it is on the internet. It's like, "I put this box of money in the middle of a city and everyone took it!" plus she took like 1700 more photos after it originally happened. she fucking loves it
true, but damn she is so fine :O
indeed she is nice :)
hahaha wat een aandachtshoertje
to bad she smokes(==moronic bitch)

almost perfect
company of heroes;)
I heard SCII is good for LAN ":D"
Could try dawn of war?
Warcraft 3

Age of empire

Age of mithology


The Lord Of The Ring
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