ByeBye matias!

QuoteFinland _M Thursday, 12th April 2012 00:58

Lost interest to ET since I've played so much lately and performed so fucking shit in this game, don't know if I want to continue anymore...

this is The Original funeral journal.

Good bye dear matias mate, have fun in real life :) you are a handsome boy, so I hope that you could find yourself a nice girlfriend! we'll miss you!image: 411606_10150463404704227_732969226_8761378_1849004576_o

Then when you break up with her, so hopefully you have enough time for a computer.

..and the rest of you nerds you can leave your farewell messages in this journal.

good night! sleep well and tight matias bro, tomorrow you will start a new life!

e. gayming. LoL atm:
in this journal everyone can share their favorite memory of Matias.

farewell old mate. you will be missed.
my favourite Matias-moment is postgame Mutilation vs Roistot irc-chat where young _M acted passionate and cocky against Finland's very best and only to soon be kickbanned from #et-finland & #roistot. He didnt back down at all and continued to defend his m8s in clanbase matchreport comments-section. That was the moment i knew this boy would be something very special and that we'd hear from him a lot in the future. Oh boy i was right. This is a very sad day not only for finnish gaming scene but internationally aswell. He did a lot of name for himself for beeing good player both online and LAN and having multiple different titles under his belt. And most importantly beeing just a nice guy and treating everyone with respect and kindness. He might go into hibernation but the memory of him will live forever. We can only wish he'd come back and maybe some day he will.
Matias, it's been honor to know you, have fun whatever you'll be doing in the future <3
long live walle !!

bb Matias
i like bees
my favourite is meeting him at lan.
:D see you in next life Altsi!
if i dont see you at lan, i will be very pissed bro.
well the lan was/is the only reason why I started et again
Too bad, cool and nice guy! Gave me a hand when he rolled me at lan, CiC7 and AEF, true sportsmanship :) Good luck with the pussy hunting and shit man :)
they have snus in Finland as well?
What's the prices like?
its illegal to sell it here but its something like 4-5e but I am not sure because I get my snus from the ship
It's illegal? :S Here it's legal, still cost like 10e. But you order from sweden then or what?
no its also illegal.. you know the ships like siljaline or vikingline they travel between Finland and Sweden everyday.. there is something like 3.5e
Aha I understand. Quite cheap though, lucky you!
It used to be 1,8e about 4-5 years ago :)
the fuck o.O I wonder how much snus I'd be using if that were the prices in Norway, daaim!
always when I went to ship I bought something like 250 cans :D
Wahattaaahaha :P If it's illegal, what kind of punishment are we talking if you were to be caught with such an amount? :D
its legal to use here :D I didnt sell any
Ow, those rules are so weird. But I get it, hehe. 250 cans ye, that is awesome. But wont they get dried out, unless you're using like 5 at the same time 24/7 :P
they were in a freezer but last 20cans were pretty dry
last 20:D Haha, those cans would cost something like 2500euros in Norway:<<<
Posession of snus isn't illegal, neither is using it. Just selling and distributing it in Finland is. You can buy snus for your own use off the boats. The customs approved limit is 3 towers (30 discs) per traveller. Naturally loads of people sell it under the counter.
hahaha, kapaa too awesome for 2 cans <3
i heard that a bottle of water cost 10 euros there :D sick prizes
At the boat?? Water for 10euros? That's just insanse :Ss
Ow, well. Hahah :P Ehm, well you can get pretty expensive water in Norway. Depends on the type and where you buy it, but I recon the "Voss - Water" is some of the more expensive type. It's supposed to be "exclusive water"! But I think you can, if you're lucky, end up with buying a bottle for somewhere around 10 euros yes.
thats fucking sick, in here it's like 0,50-2€ :D

this one is 10 euros there :D image: 560210_3532392952972_1366719432_3338038_1330157188_n
Imsdal is also rather expensive. But I believe Voss is even more expensive. Crazy shits. People who live close to the water sources use the same water as they sell, so lets say they were to cook a meal with potatoes, they would be looking at water in the casserole with a value of 100 euros or something:P
I bet that the finns are using "more" snus than norwegians!

so answer to your question is YES.
Why "more"? :P

I have no statistic on that, but it could be. Don't know for how long you have had it in Finland(?)

Edit: From what kapaa said above, I doubt you're using more than us 8)
matias is such a lovely person, too bad his comeback ended this way. just take a little break (like 3 months) and try it again :)

cu :P
goodnight sweet prince
Get a fucking life
black that face out a bit more, can still see the goblin jawline
Gl! Hope you will get a lot of pussy in next life :)
lol what a fucking homo
aww bye bye son :(
CU M8ias :)
/join #finland-et
(23:55:41) - Topic: + Tiedostot ET:n asennukseen: + + 2004-2005 #et-finland logeja +
(23:55:41) - Set by squalli on 06/01/2012 - 23:03:05 (13w 4d 23h 52m ago)
(23:55:41)  -› Total 152 nicks (17 ops, 5 voices, 130 regular)
(23:55:41)  -› Channel created: 21:12:58 - 08/05/2003 (465w 6d 2h 42m ago)
(23:55:56) (SimonKinsler) Congrats on bronze medal
(23:56:42) (@Sample) :D
(23:56:49) (@Vanhaomena) :D
(23:56:51) (@Altsi) :D
(23:56:51) (@miNd`) :D
(23:56:53) (@kapaa) :D
(23:57:00) (@Lepari`) :D
(23:57:04) (@squalli) :D
(23:57:14) (@OLBAAAAAAA) :D
(23:57:50) (@ENSJAM) :D
(23:57:53) (bliNdieRi`) :D
(23:58:29)  -› Quit: @Lepari` ([email protected]) (Quit: <ò/)
(23:59:05)  -› Quit: bliNdieRi` ([email protected]) (Signed off)
(00:00:00)  -› Day changed to Thursday (12 Apr 2012)
(00:00:22) (@wallele) :D
(00:01:29) (+Statti^^) :D
farewell, matias.
cu mati m8, always nice to play with you)))
Disappointed in you Matias. Was expecting you to lead the Fins to victory in June!

My favourite memory of Matias was when he told the entire CiC7 crowd that RELOAd was taking a shit.
No, we still wanted to play :'(!
No you not quitting Mati!

gotta see you lan bro!!
Sometimes you need to leave to come back stronger. - LeFrancis
Hmm, I actually like that.
My only memory of matias is on lan when we had to wait for reload for an hour, I went to check how long it would take and he ignored me and started yelling obsceneties and then continued to yell at reload :D

Funny I even remember that because I was on alot of painkillers at that time :p
drugaddict detected
I remember not meeting him at the bar in Enschede.

Still stings.
gtfo, why quiting ET before lan, get ego skills.

If a lot of ppl enjoys playing with you, but u lost a NC match or w/e, just keep playing
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