Old but gold opengl problem

Hi guys!

Since almost year I didn't play et. Now I've decided, that it would be great to play with some old friends. But... Now I have windows 7 64 bits, and unfortunately et don't likes this system, cause I've downloaded the latest drivers from ati and nothing. My graphic card: Ati radeon hd5450. If you have any solution, I'll be grateful. Thanks, and sorry for a engrish language :)
solution to what?
to fix opengl problem. I don't know, I think this is windows fault. Maybe someone had the same problem and fixed it.
Error message?
could not load opengl subsystem. -,-'
What .dll did it error on?

...calling LoadLibrary( 'C:\Windows\system32\DLLNAME.DLL# ): failed
Sorry m8 but I really don't know. Many years ago, when everything was simpler than now, it was easy to fix that problem. You just need to install the latest graph drivers and everything works. But now I really don't know what I have to write you :/
Well where it says 'could not load subsystem blahh... it should say above that text or below it in the console window.

Just paste it all here ;)
im 90% sure the problem is in ur/default cfg
You're wrong ;)
8% if u have an ATI graphic card
Make the resolution in your autoexec.cfg the same as your desktop. Native resolution you know.
Everythings is good with cfg, believe me. I'll get back to xp maybe that will help.
I don't belive you sorry. EVERY SINGLE post here with that problem (opengl on windows 7) got solved using one of this 2 options or both :
1) Update drivers
2) Play in native resolution

Have fun ;)
update drivers!
did you read my post? -,-'
Well this problem is normally caused by no drivers installed, uninstall them and download them again.
Surely due to your resolution, make sure you have it adapted with your screen, and make sure as well that you have the same in your etmain & etpro cfgs.
I know why.
Win7 64bit + ati hd here and no problem...Just when i uodate drivers i saw a bit shit in game but no resolution problem...check your r_mode!
Something tells me you're stupid.
got w7 64bit game runs perfect never had a single problem
format C
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