help me out guys in beating friend

So guys I made a bet with a friend who would have more followers on instagram in a week. It would be really nice if I could beat him.

So please follow : aleksandrov

on instagram:)

Cheers n Thanks
what you bet?
i think you are going to loose
I'm going to follow your friend instead hehe :)
that is a really cool bet
Going to follow your friend, just cuz to be an ass
What did you bet ?
You prolly just say u did a bet so you can get loads of followers and can brag about it ;))
i got 2k+ followers :#
whats instagramm

some photoshop/picture stuff ye...but some more infos would be great
I think it's basically a photosharing service, but it also lets you apply all these extremely cool retrovintagesuperduper filters which make everybody think they're professional photographers (it's a hipster treasure trove).
Nothing's ever good enough for you Frop, nothing.
That's not true. I think this guy is pure gold.

image: bananaman
but he is right... hate all that fags sharing stupid selfmade pictures on fb and think they are models
I also agree.
basically i can follow people who upload pictures day by day ?

i mean a possible new source for random chicks ? :D
Possibly, who knows. There should be more than enough tumblr blogs to satisfy our needs though.
lets join forces, damnit!
If you follow back I will!
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