window xp admin

Anyone know how to create a bat file that will automatically run a program as admin in window xp even if the user doesn't have admin privileges. Or if there is any other way.
a batch cant do that.
XP has rather poor account management anyway dont think its possible if your user doesnt have admin priviledges, no such thing as exceptions afaik.
Trying to play on TZAC at library? :D

@echo off
start notepad.exe
start notepad.bat
and save it as notepad.bat
we got a joker over here lol
I dare you to try it
i can read

wow ure such a faggot
It is possible but the bat will contain the administrator password if you are sure about that type in the console: runas /help

Good luck.
what miraya said, same for powershell scripts, though if you'd compile it into an application you'd be able to coceal the password, if you'd use some sort of encryption too, though likely you virus scanner may not like that ;)
Dunno what you're trying to do, but if you just need administrator privileges for random computers to be able to run TZAC or something, try Kon-Boot.
What's that?
It's a CD (probably can use it on an USB stick too) that you boot from, that bypasses Windows login prompt and lets you login as any user.
ohhh thanks! :)
runas /username:<put admin name here> "cmd.exe"

it will ofc ask you for the administrator password then, after that start the program you want in that new cmd shell
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