modifications to ETpro


I did some research and found out that the last version of ETpro was released on September of the 18th of 2006. A lot has changed since then so I'm wondering would you want anything changed in ETpro?

I'm not into coding so some of my options might be invalid, but here is my little list:
  • more accurate hitboxes
  • better netcode

this was just a small brainstorm of 5 min so you guys might come up something a way better.

I'm intrested in the history from what I know ETpro was created by 'bani'? Is he still active around here or on ET ? Is the ETpro code opensource? Have there been tries before of getting the source code and perhaps update?

last update source
image: 1334318473016
more accurate hitboxes? Just learn to aim..
They are a way to huge atm (: image: hitbox3
Except when someone from Finland crouches, they disappear.
And if a polak runs, the hitboxes are few feet in front of them
Lol u still mad
Mad because some low finish guy can shoot good because his hitboxes disappear when he starts crouching, nah man.
are you dumb?
when someone crouches and you aim exactly to his head while hes moving,you wont hit his head..

"omg get aim noob" ET is mainly about getting used to the ET hitboxes and not about real aim..
not only ET, every game is like that, and correct me if im wrong but its all about learning where the hitbox are in every moment right? and then aim after it. Doesnt matter if the hitbox is small as a popcorn or big as ur mom, still have to learn it.
well said, totally agree
i wish I for once could learn how to aim:(
lol you can aim :p atleast when i play against u
its all lie!!

only thing i know how to aim is strikes and artys, and nades that is.. :)

spam ftw!!
it is not opensource and never will be
Actually, they've "been thinking about" releasing the source code under GPL with the anticheat part stripped out. No news about that though, guess they just don't want to bother with the project anymore.
without shit hitboxes it wouldn't be ET
i love how sometimes only the head is sticking out and i still manage to do a body shot
lol, reminded me sd and delivery first stages
I know that feeling. E-hug.
It's because of ET's wonderfully large body hitboxes. :) image: standing_lookdown
this Axis guy is like "oh a satchel" :DDDDDD

also, you will never get the source
Guess u haven't been around much...ETpro is not opensource, bani is a bit of a bitch tbh, feels like he doesn't wanna give the source code. He had enough time to discuss with Splashdamage n stuff, but no progress for years...

And without source code i'm afraid it's useless to create a list like this :P
Is he around somewhere any idea how to get into contact with him?

Does he work for Splashdamage or 'fan' made mod?
Afaik, he stopped updating etpro when he started working at Microsoft... he is not around for years, but you can always send him a pm at bani forum and hope for a answer.

I'm not sure but i think fusen (or whatever was the nick) + some other guys from etpro irc have contact with him
He's still image: 20120413111820 on IRC, but I wouldn't count on him responding to any questions about releasing the source.
Is that himself or a bnc?
He's around, he posts random links (usually NASA related) once in a while.
is that on quakenet? I just joined the channel and it looks like it's been taken over by Netherlands pds
No, the official ETPro channel is on freenode (as it says on the etpro page), not quakenet.
Freenode is god anyway
well if he is working for microsoft ,i m pretty sure he really dont give a fuck on et pro anymore.if i would knew this before,i would have made petition to steve jobs to recruit him :P
why would you do that?
cause of rivality between apple and microsoft :D
why do think that's funny?
nop,i think that s ironic
how is that ironic?
cause u asking dum questions
there are no dumb questions
Hahaha hij is lekker boos nu :D
only dumb answers
Bani has no problem what-so-ever releasing ETPro's source code to the public.
It's just that he can't simply do it due to the large developers base behind it, it's just not him releasing the source code.

As for the hitboxes, I'm pretty sure many seem to forget that every weapon has a spread factor counting.
sD released et FULL source code already, i can't see a reason for them forbid bani to release it.. unless.. he didn't ask them in first place..

Etpub is open-source,take that,enjoy :p
Well, we can't really judge because according to bani there is some other bureaucracies behind it. sD wired him to code et 2.60/b or smth like that, but now we ask: isn't etpro his own creation? why would sD have power over his mod? is it simply a excuse?
July 26, 2004 - ET Pro 3.1.0 released!
This had the best HITBOXES ever! If you aim head you will get headshot, not like the ones we have atm!
lets just go back to 3 1 then
Bani is still around in the etpro irc channel, not in ET. The ETPro dev's are probably still under an NDA from SplashDamage regarding ETPro & ET — so they might not be able to opensource it, even if they had the motivation (which they don't, lots of people have asked over the years).

The hitboxes are fine — what you probably really want is better netcode (but ETPro's netcode is still better than what a lot of games have). If you wanted to brainstorm things, look back to some of the older threads where people have tried making new mods (antipro by foxdie? or something like that a few years ago — there was giant thread with people making suggestions).
Getting sourcecode from bani is as likely as seareal turning from a retard to a normal person.
im a normal person to a normal person
defintly the netcode since it is the most fucked up thing on this game, but who would develop that ?
wtf serieus gast :D
do you get turned on when her arm slightly touches her left boob? :p
I like the sentence "someof my options might be invalid" and the fact that you just wrote 2 things down..
I expected to come up with more ;)
Hitsounds back for Nades & Strikes !
+1 on this, should pigs start raining down from the heavens above if bani releases the code to somebody
you can already see if you hit! you get XP and your xp bar goes yellow!! :ooo
hence the reason ur always lowest xp, CUZ YOU NEVER HIT PEOPLE!

Hehe I know right :P
just want TRTRTRTRTRTRTTRTRTRTRTTTRTRTR sounds with the Airstrike and a big PLOOP! with artys :D
ah ok fair enough :D
ahh right.. cause you are fop soo often:)))) hehehe
2004-2006 Field Ops , started 2 weeks before biggest german ET Lan with playing rifle ;)

2006-2012 rifle and still low+ :D
Quotemore accurate hitboxes

hitboxes are already accurate (well, if it's ok to have a box for the whole body and a cube for the head)
what is not always accurate is the bullet trajectory, so I don't know what you mean for 'accurate' and who told you they are not...

QuoteJuly 26, 2004 - ET Pro 3.1.0 released!
This had the best HITBOXES ever! If you aim head you will get headshot, not like the ones we have atm!

etpro added b_realhead from 3.2.0 if I'm not totally mistaken, so you like the headbox as it was in the past, i.e. *not* on the head like etmain ... placebo ftw

hitting is more than just hitboxes, you have:
- bullet origin (can be wrong because of prediction errors) imho impossible to fix
- bullet end (is random, but removing randomness would lead to a different game / weapons)
- bodybox (I don't see how it can be wrong, since it's sooo simple)
- headbox (based on the animation, but it can't posibly be outside of the bodybox)

who knows why people always whine about the hitboxes and not about the rest, maybe because they have no idea about how the whole thing works...
you know alot about this stuff :o]
Thanks a lot!
i would keep the hitboxes we have, but rather do some other changes.

ban finland
ban poland
ban xperia.

Then no problem with hitboxes:)
Autotap when you're splatted with nade, to evade all those fulls :(.
Ja, steekt u fulls maar op al die nades ... !
Wasn't there an announcement by pds that bani is coding new etpro?
It was trolling :(
Made by me, about pds coding it; seems like it was a troll, or he's secretly working on it :)
dont worry guys, pds is making ETPro 4
sorry but you shouldnt waste your time on that ;)
funny how i think netcode and hitboxes are the only things which still keep me playing :D
instead of ETpro would be nice to use ETPro,
better antilag
crossfire 4.0
QuoteI did some research

stopped reading there
haha good one friend :)
i wouldnt really change anything, maybe that space would forcetapout immidiately after dying, wouldnt always need to press the button u have /kill binded on
Bind k kill; forcetapout
Quote by zaNc wouldnt always need to press the button u have /kill binded on
Many situations where this would be useless look what about if you had lag spike or was playing LMS. :o
almost 8 years of et, 1 LMS played so far :D
mouse5 (sk for me) is just as accessible as space!
bind space +moveup ; forcetapout ??
thank you! I even asked on some bind journal is there way to do it, no answers.
all good!
Fix the bugs:

- Sprint meter bug
- Rifle nade bug
- Grenade death full bug
- When timing nade and proning you will automatically throw your nade away (dunno if it's meant to be so)

Non ETPro bugs(?):
- Getting inside/through walls
- Nade emote bug
- See through doors bug
- Tank jamming bug
- Nades through roofs
- Pushing bugs
- Playing in a thirdperson view in global cfgs
- FG42 bug

Don't remove palm climbing bugs plzzz!

This is all I can think about just now. I don't say you have to fix all these bugs since some of them are just plain fun but in the other hand barely useful:D!
some of the bugs u listed are caused by the (map) maker of the map. And i guess they're quite hard to fix by the mod (im not sure :D)
That's why I put it in to non ETPro bugs:P
now i see :D
We will take a look at some of these for ETZ. I'm assuming the reason for nade and prone is a trajectory problem. Not noticed in ETZ but is it even worth a fix?
Dunno, just irritating when you are timing ande and somebody shoots at you and you go prone behind something and you insta throw the nade:D
Would be nice if you could set a limit of a the number of nades for each class.
Engineer has 4 nades now. If that would be reduced to 2 it would decrease spam for example.
we can also go back to 5on5 again, so we got aim only.
We play 6on6 because of the spam, and not of aimbased shizzle
I am for 6on6. Don't let me get started about 5on5 it's so shit.
We should go back to XP rewards playing level3 fieldops or panzer in a match was great fun.
But was it too much spam? I think you can answer that. After limiting the amount of ammo strikes etc the game became much more exciting because it's more balanced.

A rifle grenade + 4 nades, a bit too many nades. It's the reason why the engineer class + rifle is so powerful, limiting the number of nades would make it more balanced. It's only for the rifle btw, for the general engineer smg i wouldn't limit it to 2. For soldier's i would limit the nades to 3 or just stay at 4.
And don't get me wrong i love nades i prefer to play rifle/panzer but that's why i am saying it because i feel i am overpowered with all those nades.
no, just no, there's nothing wrong with engineers having 4 grenades, as a matter of fact you are the first person ever in the history of ET whining about it so shut up and learn to avoid getting naded, it's really not that hard
Very constructive feedback there.
Seeing your reply it's not even worth my time to discuss with you.
Why do you even reply if you don't know how discuss on a normal level?
why do you even suggest such an absurd change in the game? not even worth discussing but worth flaming..
Ah you think it's an absurd change. It's no problem you think that. But there is no reason to flame if you can just have a normal discussion and just say why you think it's absurd. Are you also flaming people in real life if you think there pov if absurd?

I don't know how long you have been on crossfire, but some of these absurd ideas in the past got implemented even if a lot of people didn't agree on it. In the end they got used to the new changes.
yeah you're true about the absurd ideas passing part(5on5) and sorry for flaming, I have nothing against you, but that idea is just ridiculous :)
if u do a limit on the nades from the rifle, then the rifle gets kinda useless on maps like grush or supply, she is supposed to spam and stuff like that, and if u limit the nades of the rifle, kinda every rifle have to change their gamestyle then, because the rifle would become much more aimbase, what is almost impossible imo on maps like supply and grush
I don't like to limit the nades on rifle either.

Just limit the 'normal' nades next to all rifle grenades.
If i play rifle grenade on goldrush at side for example i can just spam rifle grenades and some nades between it to slow down the opponent. There is not much skill involved. But if you have 2 nades than you really need to think about timing them correctly, instead of random trowing them to slow people down. And don't get me wrong i love trowing nades and spam them, that something i can do better than aiming. And my idea was just a suggestion nothing further. It's not like i really want it changed, but it's something to think about. ET is the only competitive game i played that had 4 nades for one class.

And i can understand your pov that you need to change your gameplay. But that happend trough all years of ET that players needed to adapt to new gameplay. I went from etmain to etpro, from etpro with xp rewards to without xp awards from bugged hitboxes to other hitboxes, from proning to be unable to prone etc. But in the end all those changes where good. Except from 6on6 > 5on5 but that's something almost everyone agrees on.
thats what i mean, rifle is supposed to ''slow down'' the oppos to buy some time in critical situations, its not like that the allies can just go one way. If the rifle wouldnt have so much nades, it would be waaaay too easy for allies to attack. The classes are all perfectly balanced, no need to do changes on it.
on rtcw an engi got 8 nades :) BOOM!
get bani to open source it or persaude someone to make a new competition mod

unlikely to happen though

*edit* how old is Emma Watson in that pic lol
yep call it seapro
recent picture!
some guy worked on a COMPmod, but it was so jaymodish :D
what was the mod called that wanted to implement an AC into an etpro clone?
event hat failed cause bani didnt supply etpro source (and cause ppl were whining ofc).
offtopic: on the pic she looks like a whore which likes to deepthroat

to the topic... we passed the state of hope for a new etpro since latestly 2008! seems like you skipped/missed that
also, take a look here
Nothing wrong with hitboxes and netcode. Actually the netcode is one of the better parts of ET. I think when you mean hitboxes you mean body animations that don't coincide with hitbox movement and this can be annoying but it's the same for every game that has swing-animations etc.

Grenade death full bug is NOT an ETPRO related issue.
Yeah I meant that the hitbox isn't accurate with the animation. With netcode I mean the unhit pings.
You can't expect somebody with higher ping, meaning the time between the snapshots will take longer, to be "hittable". In fact, the server doesn't know the correct position according the moment the client moves.

There ain't such thing as perfect anti-lag, as lag is caused by a worse connection. The hitboxes are differently located when the snap's are delayed. You could as well do some predictions, but still, it's not perfect.

Another factor is the weapon spread, and some other points mentioned above. People don't encounter these, take away the spread and you'll aim much better. Especially on long range.
+1 to the spread

ppl dont know that there is one and saying unhitable to people
how does someone take away the spread?
You don't take it away without "hacking" into the client. If that's even possible regarding spread, as it makes sense the server handles this data flow.

Games would be very boring without spread and wouldn't feel realistic.
would prefer no spread, or at least predictable spread (afaik its completely random atm)
spread is serverside, you can't remove it in any way, unless you change the server itself
ah okay, I thought it might had something to do with settings or movement or smtn else :o]
well, it has also something to do with that, I just told that you cannot 'remove it', you can try to control it though

- bullet randomness is *never* 0 even if you crouch and you shoot your first bullet, there is a minimum value.
- every bullet you shoot, spread goes up

- every frame spread will decrease a bit (more if you crouch, less if you stand)
- every frame it can also increase, based on how much you move your mouse, but there is a max amount per frame for this.

if the increase is more than the decrease then the overall value goes up, otherwise down

since there is a max amount per frame, sometimes it's better to move your mouse quickly rather than slowly, if you move fast in 1 frame you get at most the maximum spread for that frame, a slow move can last more frames and so it's not cut

check with cg_crosshairpulse 1
wait a moment, you say that you can move your own hitbox? lol no

1. the server sends you a snapshot with players positions
1b. the server stores it for antilag
2. you receive it after a while (ping, snapshots interpolation) and you see players in that position
3. you shoot, from your message the server knows which snapshot you were watching and takes enemy position from that.

I don't see enemy ping in the equation...

*your* ping counts, enemies can, at most, warp (move in a way that's not smooth) but their hitbox is always on them, and if it's not it's because of *your* internet (prediction errors, etc.) not theirs.

Of course tracking someone who moves in such a way is harder, but if you aim on them you have the same chance of hitting as with any other player.

imho the major reasons for not hitting are:
1. random bullets
2. prediction errors when you are under fire
3. maybe crouch bodybox (goes down immediately, not following the animation)
I didn't know about everything you mentioned above but let me clear it up, I'm talking aobut this:

My aim is directly on someones animation and hitbox, there is a change I will miss him due to spread, this happens sometimes and I'm not complaining about that. if I have 32-48 ping the people with 98 ping tend to have this problem a way more, like noteable more than people with ~48 ping.
enemy hitboxes are independent from his ping.

If you don't believe me, I just did this test:
- lan etpro server
- I connected 2 times, player1 normally (0 ping) and player2 through an udp proxy that let me delay packets the way I wanted
(So basically I could change player2's latency,latency variation,lost packets )

I tried with etpro antilag debug (rcon forcecvar g_antilag 255 on the server, b_antilag 255 on the client (player1) 2 lazy to figure out the proper bitflags so I chose 255)
there are 3 hitboxes with different colors, a:where you see the enemy, b:where he is on the server c:where antilag thinks you saw him. a and c should ideally match

I gave player2 anything, ranging from 0 ping to a connection worse than sh*t with 200-300 ping and lost packets and total ping unstability, hitboxes while he was strafing were the same as low ping, quod erat demonstrandum :p

that didn't surprise me even a bit, because I already knew that ping can't move your hitboxes in theory, now I tested it even in practice. it's all whine no offense meant
I blame the placebo effect in that case :), thanks for all the information, thanks a lot!
np, always glad to share knowledge,
you know, a lot of time I think too I am aiming well and not hitting, but I am a very rational kind of person so I want to test if I have to blame my aim or not, and knowing things (I even know a bit of modding) helps when it comes to testing.

Actually, I first tested these things because I wanted to prove the opposite, i.e. that hitboxes are not good, or some players have an advantage, etc. but I failed at it.

All the tests I did, even including test servers with removed random spread, lead to the same conclusion, which is that (bullet randomness aside) you hit where you aim
You miss critical previous steps in your logic. It starts from where CL_WritePacket' package isn't transmitted "in time" by mainly the factors you describe above. Your local position would not match the other client's received cg.snap, and this is where ping jumps in (the time between two snapshots). I agree with the rest of your statements.

May I note that ETPro's hitboxes are far from worse, they did a great job with Idtech3's end architecture.
yes I made a bit of confusion, because I was actually thinking about enemies only, but my 1st sentence in that post could lead to a misunderstanding, thank you for pointing that out

Since I was talking about hitting enemies, I didn't care about the fact that they see themselves in a different position from the one in the snapshot, or that they can move meanwhile.

Because for the actual hitting with antilag, the server is supposed to take the old snapshot copy, so even if they have moved, the bullet trajectory is still compared with the position they had in that snapshot I saw.

I don't know whether etpro does any interpolation for antilag, or just takes 1 snap only
with that antilag debug thing I noticed that hitboxes sometimes have a little offset (not something that can make you miss, anyway)
it's fine the way it is, thats what makes ET better than all the other games. the only thing i wouldnt mind having is the grenade and arty hitsounds, but noticing your XP slightly going up is the same thing
Emma Watson AKA Emma Average
ouch! Amazing what makeup, stylists etc etc can do...

image: emma-watson-bikini44
still a cutie tho
Average is average.
Cute is cute.
Matter of taste
Oh plz shittyboxes makes ET :D whats et without unhittable prolaks
a game with less flame :D
Nitrox made CompET, he codes for ETZ now. Very good coder also shame you all didn't give it a chance. I've spoken to him about it last week and it's a shame as the attitude here stopped him from continuing. - Nitrox'
See character below...
/end of convo about hitboxes couldn't be better. And this is NOT JayMod, no sir, it is not JayMod.
Actually those would be rly nice
Can be tested @ or

strict hit detection is not enabled on these servers, because it's too hard to hit when it's enabled (but perfect for sniper servers ^^)
Actually, now i dont know why shouldnt we have more accurate boxes in etpro.
Those hitboxes are slightly off, both feet and the neck are not where they should be. A better solution would be to encounter the model and work your way up from there.

It's a good effort though, keep it up.
I said, i had a high ping (150ms minimum) this is why the boxes don't look like they're at the right place.

They're linked to the animation, and the player ALWAYS move, so the boxes on this screenshot are at least 150ms behind the moment i took this ss.
does the colour of the box indicates how much damage you do?
just fancy colours then? ;p
screenie is broken :(?
Oops, fixed ^^
high ping made debugging kinda wierd on some of the boxes, should have taken screenshots on local server ^^
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