Lotro - gaming

Atm dloading it after long break! :P anyone still plays in here? duke, domi? playing on snowbourn (EU) as gilidin and belegdirr, lvl 65 guard and 65 rk
Oh LOTRO, the best mmorpg ever made, not playing it anymore tho' :>
Start playing again, now! Welcome to Tlboh :)
75 LM on Windfola, but I stopped playing. Great game though. :(
Why did you stop? :/
Mostly just played with a few friends, and so I ended up at endgame without the virtues / gear needed for endgame content. I didn't feel like killing a few thousand mobs to grind the virtues (even being VIP and getting deed accelerators, it was a pain in the ***), and then the friends I was playing it with moved onto other games.

Nobody I knew to play with + wasn't equipped for endgame (and grinding to that on my own was not something I wanted to do). Trying to do the slayer deeds really made the game not fun at all, to the point where I didn't even want to open it. (Do them as you go, young LoTRO'ers! Heed my tale of woe!).
Yeah grinding pretty much sucks, but too bad if you've missed the endgame content because of gear :/ I've always enjoyed gearing, but that's because I've played with other fintards and raided with them. I got pretty much best available gear for lvl 65, now I should lvl to 75 gonna be pain in the ass with guard :P !
two lvl 75s on Gilrain, Gelihad and Zigmund, plus several lower level ones too.
Best mmorpg :)
why did you choose gilrain? :P afaik that's the lowest populated server, am I right? There are big finnish kins on both, Snowbourn and Eldar.

Those names sounds dwarfy :P
Well I randomly chose Gilrain when i first started with a trial back in 07 or something. Few years went by and when I started playing again when I got a new pc I went back there. Theres still plently of people to keep server alive :)
Allright! :) I might consider making one char to there, would be nice to lvl-up with finlandians. What do you think, has the playerbase got bigger or smaller?
Definately grown alot over the years due to f2p but recently diminishing also due to other games like Star Wars, btw, the newest update is FUCKING AMAZING.
Haha okay, kind of expected :) What new in the newest update, haven't read about it yet.
Well depends how far you know, but the Rise of Isengard (level cap raised to 75) update was ok, but seemed very rushed and not that interesting quests and areas. However the newest update (6) revealed a new area south of Lorien, heading down into Rohan. Absolutely amazing stuff, great region, back to good old original lotro level stuff (hail codemasters). Quests are all sorta connected and the epic storyline got epic again after lots of shit books.
still playing this game
playing star wars old republic :(
I would play it aswell if i dont have to pay for it every month :(
which server?

frostclawilla paljo suomalasii ja shadowrunneril

ps. try lotoro
Kellian Jarro!

oisit sanonu vähäc aikasemmin ;(
No en mää tienny et pelailet kans, kokeilin kuukauden tota swtoria mut sit tuli pakolline tauko. Nyt meinasin ehkä alotella taas, ellei lotro iske lujempaa =)

Lataa tuo lotro jos ees vähän kiinnostaa tollaset pelit, yritän saada houkuteltuu pari muutaki ET-nörttiä pellaan
Nah stopped since I found it boring, guess my ex is still playing it :P
lotro dead game
naco dead man after this talk lol nub
come at me bro
Atm still play it, but if they continue to raise the level cap with each new expansion then i'm done.
Its boring anyway.
Why so? :D Boring if there's no new content? :d
im not saying no new expansions. I'm saying provide expansions just dont make the level cap higher. You can still progress your character without having to get 10 more levels.

By the time they release the last or before last expansion the level cap will be 150+. Not too many new players will want to grind 150 levels, especially if what they really want to do is play endgame.
Yeah but where did you take those numbers? :P 150+ seems bit much for me, and of course the leveling system must be changed when the lvl gap goes higher :)
Well, I'm just repeating a number I remember seeing in one of the discussions in the Riders of Rohan forum where someone complained that could be how high the levels get by the time all expansions are out.

Personally I don't think they will raise level cap each time but Turbine has surprised me a couple times before already so who knows :P
have some lvl 65 chars, but i play World of Tanks atm so no time for finding frodo and steal the one ring ;€
75 burg/champ @ Laurelin

7-8 65s all the other class + second 2h champ :P

game got too repetitive for me tbh, when lvl75 came it just seemed like I had to do the same shit as I did at 65. They need to introduce something new like when they did the LI update with MoM. I heard mounted combat was coming, could be something there ;)
Wtf that's crazy =P enjoying your stay @ laurelin?
yea its a nice server, RP just kinda makes it more fun. Dont really want to see THETERMINATOR running around the shire :P

and having all those classes not that great :p its like 4days gameplay to get to 65, 5 to 75, after they changed the XP arc.
guildwars >*
Was enjoyable while I played it, but in the end I found the combat abit stale.
my old acc is deleted i think :X
"I think"

Go check it out dawg :)
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