League of Legends error

Hello Anonymous .

Since i reinst. win(xp) again...my LoL doesn't start...
got this : https://support.leagueoflegends.com/entries/20245366-error-application-configuration-is-incorrect
i tried all the recomended solutions.... still nothing...
IF someone can help me , ill be glad ...
Thx in advance .
p.s: no chicks....(busy atm)
windows xp? lol.

install dem service packs and framework thingies

also update your drivers n shit.

dont forget to restart
yea....shit video card...poor pockets :D
windows xp? lol.
Reinstalling the application might fix the problem.
image: AlinaVacariun4
is not working...3rd reinstalation...and same problem...
LoL doesn't use your graphics card much at all, I mean look at it... it's terrible. What it does use is it browser based stuff, like java etc.... Make sure you have updated all that stuff that it uses to run.

Pretty sure it's java but could be something flash related also?
i dld 3 frameworks...and seems to be from there :D...i try in the noon to fix it...
My fps jumped from 30-35 to stable 60 after GFX card change, so i guess it has something to do with the graphics:p
League of Legends mainly renders using the video card, it doesn't use Java (the launcher uses Adobe Air which is all sorts of crap but not Java, does have some Flash though).

The game itself is created using Visual C++ I think.
If I could 'like' or 'thumbs up' comments this would get it ;)

I know LoL uses some of that crap as it slows my browser right down, and i need to keep flash updated to keep LoL working properly (At least something along those lines)

Onto the topic of it be graphics card orientated maybe it is but it sure as hell doesn't need a good card as it runs mickey mouse / mario 64 graphics!
Yeah, it doesn't need a top-of the line card but it requires surprisingly much kick. Dunno why, might be bad optimization.
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