free2play fun game

Anyone playing Brawl Busters Free2Play

Kinda like a mix between BF:H and TF2 with a touch of zombie mode in it also

would like to play some fun games on this with some people :D fun fast paced game

pm me if u want so i can give my steam account

(its free to play so if u dont have it check out steam and try it!)
Trailer of the game:

mario smash bros brawlll
seems pretty gay
wow that looks completely shit
does not work with skype :/
plus the long range attacks are so overpowered, never miss -> quit :(
Lol, Remy! Where have u been brah
is da tribes ascend chill? ben aant downloade
played it 1 time, pc cant really handle it :P I guess its fun when you're used to it
mm k zit ook op me laptop dus zal t zien xD

k zit nu onwijs veel die brawl busters te doen geniaal spelletje (gewoon zombie bashen met cartoon retardatie en k speel wat forsaken world sinds gister -__- mmorpg die goed tijd dood xD
werk je niet meer dan?
hoezo niet :o
aah i see, good luck ermee ;)
Played it, didn't like it :< TOO INTENSE
looks like a shitty tf2 mod
teeworlds realy funny game :D
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