Flux Pav

clicked on journal, expected essential mix, was not left disappointed.
I'm glad to hear this, you're missed in zeez too by the way...
clicked on journal, typed a comment and now leaving.
clicked on a journal, picked up combo, went with the crowd, leaving ashamed.
clicked on journal, listened to the 15 first seconds, heard some BIP BIP BIP, closed the tab.
clicked on journal, realized it was about flux pavilion, left this comment, now leaving.
clicked on journal, was about to say something, forgot what it was.
thx man!
nice didn't know he made an essential mix :)
clicked on journal, posted by scarzy, instant boner
mouse clicked three on your journal, went with my mouse on my 111" screen 1 meter to the top left to this tab, had my doubts and as dutch as i am i dont like change i didnt click the song, smelling my balls, think i am gonna shower.
clicked on journal, was about to say something against flux pavillion,decided not to do it.
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