new CB supervisor

After yesterday's news about CB needing yet another Cup Supervisor some small discussion sparkled about who would be good for the job. The purpose of this journal is for you, the people of CF, to name such guys and I hope that if them nominated lads see their names here and see that people believe in them, they will find motivation to do the job!

Names mentioned most often:
United KingdomArtstar
NetherlandsSimonKinsler (he said he won't do it no matter what)

but there is also GermanymUnduS who could do it and even has experience as CB sup.

Gief your names CF and let's motivate them to work! Please remember that people with C&A profiles CANNOT apply as admin.

E:Since I noticed some of you are a bit lost over this C&A stuff here's a short explanation - C&A profile is this extra tab you get in a player's profile when he uses cheats and is caught+banned or when he violates other CB rules e.g. flames and admin on IRC or on CB forums. After the ban expires the C&A profile is still there to remind you forever about player's sins.
Are they all three up for the job?
Simon isn't, didn't talk with Artstar and mUnduS is considering afaik
Finland Vanhaomena
simply the best
Yeah, my ass.
NetherlandsFrop would be the right person for this job.
I suggested him to Krosan last year for that Community Award stuff and he acted like a dick there, so he lost my trust. He has also been displaying typical KRP-behaviour on Crossfire afterwards, so unless CB continues their policy of mostly hiring incompetent people I don't think he's fit for the job.
I think you got a point here but how did he act exactly?
I don't think it's fair or necessary to go into depth about that in a journal.
Go ahead and remind me in PM about my behaviour in the Crossfire Awards - I'm pretty sure you're confusing it either with another occasion where I've acted like a dick (mostly zero-content journals) or another player. My only input there was filling a form about which people and clans to nominate for various awards, and only one person was ever going to read that form. There isn't even any room to act like a dick there if I wanted to.
Don't worry, I'm not going to apply no matter what because it's too much work.
I think I managed to be a bit dicky with my portion of nominees :D
Mine was just and I can't remember having anything else to do with the whole thing. Maybe I forgot.
2010 hihi :D I was in the 2011
i would apply as some kind of admin somewhere (not specifically cb) when i finally quit playing, otherwise it's too much to balance =d
GermanySPU9 / United KingdomMerlinatoR / FinlandVanhaomena / MaltaKillergirl / Germany stRay
stRay has C&A profile
damn I forgot ;d best person for that job np
abandon CB, move to ESL

simple and its for the better future, kinda obvious thing to do so yeh rip in piece cb.
will do that when ESL crew gets some experience, learns the rules and will stop supporting CB banned players :)
there is no reason for ESL to ban people who are serving CB-RWB bans. :P
still cb and esl should work together... atleast with banning people
I'm sure they should, but it's like banning someone from kfc for stealing a burger from mcdonalds.
That comment offended me
this made me smile.. and a fucking +1 for your comment :)
well they didn't ban him when he should receive ban. he made ESL account while banned on tzac
if he was banned on tzac at the time of making his ESL account then it's pretty fucked up that he didn't reeive a ban yes.. :d
btw about your KFC-MC thing. If he got caught stealing burger in MC and then caught 3 times trying to do that again (making 3 new accounts) then KFC should ban him as known thief that ignores the rules!
then explain why there are so many niggers in kfc.

actually you can stay with cb

Bestest and fairest admin ever :)
Robaciek has a C&A profile.
what Simon said
Fanatic then
fanatic has a C&A profile.
Not up for the job.
Goldorak, meets all the requirements!
Is secretly a bot of CF.
Any reason why you don't want it?
Don't want to get involved with CB, nor do I see a reason to. If I want to host something I can do it on cf as well.
Plus the massive amout of time it takes, did rather spend it on other things.
I think you don't know the difference between Cup Supervisor and Game Supervisor.
CB wants some new cup admins, not a new game supervisor ...
Quote by my journaAfter yesterday's news about CB needing yet another Cup Supervisor
what the fuck are you on about?
I feel like you are proposing them for Game Supervisors, not for Cup admins... :p
I won't say what I feel cuz I'll get revoked again for flaming admins :D
Why do you care? You're only going to give them shit every other journal anyway.
well since I can't give them shit (censorship and stuff) I want them to get proper admins so I have no reason to give them shit :D
Seareal, that would be fucking epic :)
0.5/10 + C&A profile
goku seems to have enough time.
I barely have time to play; get your facts straight
Netherlands Aapje or Poland Robert
bring back killerboy
awesome idea but don't think this will happen :(
Vanhaomena would be a great supervisor! Intelligent person who I'd trust to make good decisions.

From what I know the problem with CB is that your work as a supervisor is getting restricted too much by the head admins, which is mainly the reason why I'm not going to apply myself. But I hope that some experienced player will take the challenge!
I think once the leagues start the restrictions are mostly gone, before leagues you need heads to post groups and shit
Yeah I guess that might be the case, because if they actually were monitoring all the decisions made during the latest seasons they wouldn't have let it go through without taking any action. Or atleast I hope so..
I think they are concerned when they notice some delays or when they get reports of shit going down badly
oh fuck now all we need is Artstar as supervisor GG
Quote by Artstari would apply as some kind of admin somewhere (not specifically cb) when i finally quit playing, otherwise it's too much to balance =d
there is still hope for et then!
what negative difference could I possibly make there? :P accidentally ref the wrong match?? :D seriously
Raveneye or mystic imo
You are a wise man
voted for JyrkZ
voted for JyrkZ
Slovenia seareal
Romania unforgiven

You are such a nasty troller.
Having a C&A Profile doesn't mean you won't get accepted, if it's cheat related, you won't, that true, but if its related to abuse (like flaming/swearing) they will consider it and even remove it if necessary.
that means seareal can apply lolol
ill go with artstar
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