Few serie tips

Have recently started few "new" serie, at least for me, haven't seen anyone talking about them here, so here you have it.

The Killing - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1637727/

Detective drama with nice twists, not Lost-style, but better, they make kinda sense when they happen. First few episodes were just introducing the characters and settings, then it starts to flow. Lost last nights sleep because of season 1 :/ About to start season 2 after this journal, 4 episodes out now.

Breakout Kings - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1590961/

From the creator(s?) of Prison Break, quite a new serie with lots of familiar faces from other TV-shows (ie. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0518511/ & http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0460694/ [actually playing T-Bag -character here too]). Group of convicts & cops hunting prison escapees.

Quite a nice serie to follow, every episode has it's own storie so you don't have to get hooked or necessarily remember what happened last time. Second season has started some time ago.

Person Of Interest - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1839578/

Somewhat conspiracy-thingies & modern technology seasoned with few semi-interesting characters. There is a deeper plot running behind, but it isn't that visible and few times quite forced. Well, nice way to spend 40minutes every now and then any way. Check it out, first season is about to end soon.

Justified - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1489428/

Lots of action and humor, redneck mischieves being schooled by trigger-happy U.S. Marshall. It has a some what deeper side too, with quite an interesting "main bad guy", whom is still somewhat loveable. There aren't that many cliff-hangers, but lots of nice episodes. Season 3 has just ended.

Here is a helpful site to see when episodes come out, I recommend registration (just any email and click), so you can filter your series and mark which ones you have seen. http://www.pogdesign.co.uk/cat/

Also, new Sherlock Holmes -movie, "The Game Of Shadows" was great, RDJr rocks.
only serie i watches was Breaking Bad and i rate it 9.5/10
Well, it was good, no doubt. Just can't see how they will continue it without turning it to shit.

Got lots of others that I follow too, just needed something new when I ran out of the rest.
best series on my profile
I bet they are.
i only watch comedy series actually, but thanks for sharing!
Try Justified then, I giggle every now and then when watching it.

there is no such word as "serie"

the plural of "series" is "series" just like the plural of "sheep" is "sheep"

1 series, 10 series

1 sheep, 10 sheep

plz fix this

thank you

e: no offense, just annoying to see this non-word being used everywhere
Are you series? Won't fix, just to annoy you!
its annoying me 2 :(
Fix it then.
It's easy for you, you speak english everyday :D
which is why I am extraordinarily kind enough to extend my knowledge of the English language to those who obviously need it ":D"
Note taken & stored, but not going to edit x)
fair enough :P
wrong, u're an american u know nothing so stfu
see now u think u can annoy me with these moron replys, see how typically american limited u are
Awake - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1839683/

Compared to the usual "new" series ive watched i actually like this. So curious about what happens next etc. Not really any mindblowing stuff and you'll notice easily after first episodes if its worth of continuing, so try it out! Good way to kill some time. Also BD Wong is a boss.
Hmm, I shall give it a go. Just 4 more epis of The Killing first...
been following Person Of Interest and its nice!

gonna download these others too :)
Thank you!

Currently watching the Sopranos and Game of Thrones and been looking for something else :)
some jew told me dexter is great and im watchin it
Watched/watching 157 shows, total of 10734 episodes :D
Where can I see the total count? Just went through "popular" ones and clicked series what I have watched entirely.

Ah, 35 Following
2805 Watched
nice, gonna check breakout kings and justified just coz I love that actor from hitman

this is nice too http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1728102/
Oh, that was on my list some time ago, somehow forgot it. Have to check out.
like walle said awake is awsome
Touch http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1821681/

With Kiefer "WHERE IS THE BOMB" Sutherland
Have been watching it now for 7 episodes, THIS IS SHIT.
I know, I didnt watch it until recently, it was highly recommened to me by someone. i guess that someone was an asshole.

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