Logica Enschede

Hey Crossies,

I have a question concerning the Logica in Enschede.
On their homepage, there are two adress details provided.

Campuslaan 60
7522 NR Enschede
The Netherlands
PH: +31 (0)53 433 13 66

PO Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands
Fax: +31 (0)53 580 26 60

Now I wondern, which one is for the actuall accommodation?
And how would you rate the Logica at all?
Last time (CiC7) I stayed in the Eden but they seem to have risen their prices quite a bit.



image: fohguild-199829d1331580713-animated-gif-thread-gifs-05
first one obviously, 2nd one is for letters only
PO Box 217 must be the accommodation, I'm pretty sure it is actually. Nice and cozy.
wasnt sure since the 2nd one is shown with a Hotel sign in Google maps.
nice gif. its #1 btw.
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