Goldrush lag

At the bank stage, when I get out of spawn at first, my fps drops big time
It feels like its switching from 0 to 100 every half second

I formatted recently, didnt have it before and I have an AMD 6000+ CPU and an ATi 4830 video card (vertical refresh is always disabled)

Does anyone know what is causing this problem?
What setting am I missing?

image: MHGus
yes, dont go out of the spawn
ive the same since ages.
always had fps drop at that place when looking up at the bridge
have the same ;<
everyone got that
not this way
everything just stops for half a second and suddenly im dead
feels like you can't aim? i mean, it skips areas while moving ur mouse?
well I can tell u that it is your cpu, i've ruled every other thing out because i swapped it with parts of my brother's PC. I've tried updating every driver, even BIOS. still doesn't work :O so I ordered a new mobo + processor to get rid of it :D
and all of that for a free game.
Well, I cant blame you, the lags are terrible.
I have a decent pc and i got the same problem, i guess it's about the map :p
are you using rinput?
if tank blows up the door, my fps goes 10-40 and keeps switching really fast for like 10 seconds, my sound goes off/on with some really awful voice behind it and it feels like my PC is going to explode.
gonna record it tomorrow, thats fucked up :D
when tank blows up the gate, i just heard smth like crackling in my headset, fps drop as fu.. atm, mainly fps drops in goldrush. i changed my graphic in my cfg a bit and now have more fps on gr, but i guess its not fix for everyone :s
same here XD
ppl with wooden pc here
not depending on PC, afaik ET runs on one CPU, heard even someone who had like 3,4Ghz CPU had FPS lags.
thats not solving problem at all.
It was fine when i had my old gfx card then i got a new one, rest of PC the same and then it started lagging so :/
et is fucking stoneage game lol, even dota2 runs better than ET on my laptop
this is usual fps lags, happens in some parts of radar on west side defense too
Welcome to my club bro
Emma Average strikes again with her bad extensions.
Average my arse!
Also great last name
Don't hate like thate Tristan :/
She is average and doesn't understand sophistication in fashion even though she's from a very wealthy family.
I think she's goodlooking and dresses well.

We all know your opinion about "Emma Average". Now please, stop going on about it. It's getting annoying, it feels to me like its your way or the highway. Not cool at all :{
Hardly, I'm just venting my views. I'm allowed an opinion and can stick to it if I want to. Too torso skin showing with too much leg.
Never said that you're not allowed to have an opinion. It's just that you post that about here in every single topic with a pic of her :P
you know thats on the set of a movie? tv crew behind her etc :D I doubt she selects the clothing for such things ;)
And being very wealthy does not has a thing to do with fashion imo :)
Over here, if you are from a family with money you often dress in a way that flatters you and makes you what we call 'more lady like', or sophisticated.
Over here, it doesnt matter how wealthy you are. My dad earns a normal amount of money, maybe even below. My sis went to school and had a job on the side that didnt payed alot of money, just a bit to do fun stuff and to put on her bank account for later. But she always dresses extremely well. It has nothing to do with money, it has to do with where you get your views from how to dress sophisticated and where you buy it :)
I feel like I've insulted you but I've no idea why I feel that way. Sophisticated isn't a user-definable phrase, it has a set definition that add a little class to the person. She does not look classy.
Had same, but with nvidia 8800gt. Old(and I mean really old) drivers helped. Last stage of grush was unplayable, now it's fine.
not depending only about CPU/GPU, i've noticed even some ppl whos playing minecraft and similar java games figured out they burned their RAMs. It was still working, but it started making FPS lags in ET. Even those guys had better FPS in COD/BF atm than ET.
So I should get back to old drivers?
I used to use version 9 because 10 and 11 gave me problems during the install. After the format I saw 12 was out, gave it a shot and it installed without problems.
I got a 5 years old PC and I don't have this issue. Soz bro, you're just too low :{D
hahah stable 125fps :DDD
but my mates got the same problem
maybe try another cfg? with my new one i dont have any drops with that one :D before i had fps drops from 40-110 on grush or radar
i5 2500k @ 4,6 GHz


still got fps lag on that part
125 everywhere
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