KRP looking for offi tomorrow (wednesday 18.4)

image: ladder1 ofc.


Nobody cares about barca-chelsea so we are expecting a couple of challenges. I must skip this great official because of school works but lineup is at the moment:

<bliNdieRi`> line-up: blindi, ensam, ,x,xx,x,x,xxxx,

I'll update it when more players appear.

Our map:

image: c30msbfk0564qwreh
Gl blindi, ensam x
we would play but we have already an offi at this tim
gl guys :)
poor charlie end up as a banner for this fools
you again '_'

are you really that mad because we didnt 'thank' you for your sponsor server? nobody said we gonna give you anything but victories after victories, you were just cock sucking fanboy. now go sponsor some lowbobs who can chat with you in private and make 'thank you' -journals once a day
never been mad little faggot,and is really impossible me to be a fanboy,i m a man with balls size of your head,stfu little nerd and go do your homeworks
<@ENSQJM> Untitled
<@ENSQJM> Sent by ibunforgiven on Monday 28th February 2011, 18:14
<@ENSQJM> if u really meant it,i can give u server.would be a great honour and i would be gladly if u accept it

crossfire admins can confirm this PM. you cock sucking fanboy :)
u mistake being nice and kind with being a fanboy,little nerd who spends his youth in front of pc on ts3 with a bunch of other freaks just like him,u dont even know the sense of

i had another purpose in making u accept the server but u r to idiot to understand the plans of a genius,so i will let u swim in your own crazy thaughts.and only cocksucker here is your mother,go ahead and ask her.
who long are you going to continue this hate? its been more than year since this happened and you are still mad. move on and and try to suck somebody elses cocks, maybe they will give you the credits we didnt give
who long?and they say about my engrish...but ok i wont tease u ,i know english is not your primary language
number 2:u are wrong as ussual,as most of you are ,there is no hate,and certainly i can t be mad because i dont have to pay money for other ppl,do u really think i wanna give u money for free?i m not nbs or smt like that,but for your info at that time that is the thing i tried to do,and i thaught it would be good to start with a big ideea.of course ,i had in mind to make a big e sports stuff but it failed mostly cause of money as i u still think i m your fanboy ,idiot?
yes i think you were a fanboy based on the logs we just checked, some epic stuff there. luckily everything is clear now because we have been thinking why you are chasing us everywhere.
well u know what?think what ever the fuck u want,i give like 0 fuck to what u think.u can t really know what is in some1 hear,specially on internet.dream away ,dream away,and go check that logs more please,and no that dont mean u are my fanboy,10 ppl talking about me rofl
what's the point of having big balls if you're still a virgin?
how can a virgin have a kid,and god pls stay away from et,u still young and have time to recover yourself.leave this retards before is not to late.remember what i told u that day on irc.peace
how can balls that are size of sample's head get into a vagina?
is not the balls that get there matias lool.
so what's the point of having big balls if you have a small penis?
did i said i have small penis?u ask me one thing,i answer than u come with total different like i say hei matias look how nice hair u have and u ask me hei ronald u like my sunglasses?and than i say umm ok yes i like your sunglasses and than u say hei ronald but why u dont like my hair?is crazy man :D

anyway please go out and live your life,forget about krp they did nothing good to u
did you say that u have a big penis?
i was talking with sample and than u interfere and in the end it all comes down to the size of my penis.which btw is not relevant here,only thing that i wanna diss is this so called et clan krp with their funny lucifer/hitler jokes,and the way they do things to which i dont agree.let my penis out of this
You know.. things that affect your life a lot makes you feel offended when someone talks/makes jokes of them? for example penis or hitler
nor my penis or hitler affected my life trust me.i just think is offending for humanity in generally and for a comunity even if is made by gamers to spam hitler or lucifer related stuff in it.and those who can laugh at it...should they be ok right?mate pls...anyway i have to go to work.c u
is your son adopted?
u know fuckin faggot,u should let my family out of this,fuckin emo cunt
bet your ass i m mad if u put my fam in your shit
Isnt it hard to live with balls size of someones head?
this unforgiven guy is so stupid, hahaha
this unforgiven guy dont give a fuck about you haha
there are 2 million romanians in spain,and i have at least 10 cousins there.stfu if u wanna live,i wont tell u twice
I thought blindi was your chief of communication at krp esports, wtf is he doin?
banned D:

e: posting rights removed tbh
dunno admins kinda mad these days they deleted all my comments written in french
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