Real Madrid vs La bestia negra

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So tonight the waiting time is finally over.
Fc Bayern has lost the fight for German Championship, so their focus was on the Championsleague for at least a week now. On the last two Bundesliga games they used several "B" players and played like on 70% strength.
Real Madrid on he other hand still has to fight for their Spanish title against Barca , although they got a 4 points lead. El Classico is still coming so Real has to balance its priorities.

Well my prediciton is 3:1 for Bayern tonight, la bestia negra dont prove me wrong! :P
real will win
gogo germans :D
no worries, 3-0 incoming!
Really hard to predict, depends on Real's lineup and how Bayern starts off in the first 15mins.

I hope for Bayern to take this 2-1 but I guess it's going to end 2-2
2-1 Bayern
bayern plays really shitty against top teams, attacks are always so predictable
bayern plays shitty in the bundesliga, but in the champions league they were always the better team. even against manchester city
city is a disgrace, i hope out of the 4 teams left bayern wins but i dont think their midfield is creative enough for madrid and barca
Not in the last match. They lost 2-0.
It's quite the opposite actually. They usually play very good against top teams in the CL, except for barcelona. Their problem is to put that mfing ball in the mfing goal.
i dont bayern will be able to 0/2
I hope Robben will roll Pepe, Ramos and Marcelo all at once.
5:0 Bayern np
sorry but real madrid will take it,they have the better player on every position (except for robben/neuer/schweinsteiger,those are equal with real madrids player on that position)
ribbery is almost nothing if you put a fast player to cover him...and besides robben they have no real individual attacking power (gomez is dangerous in front of the goal,but he cant create chances on his own)
and i dont even wanna start about the individual attacking power real madrid they have,in my opinion,the best coach in the world with jose mourinho
+ fucking 1, cant rly understand why people see Bayern taking this. They haven't got any serious opponent in following CL season so far + they have been dominated by BvB in the most important game of Bundesliga this year. Robben isnt in his best shape,tbh I cant see any ofensive potential in Bayern atm and comparing them to attacking power of RM is sense less. Imo Bayern will score one goal as RM defensive isnt too strong, but no more. RM gonna rape them hard.
and real madrid has beaten so many good teams in the CL this year
and bayern has beaten whom?
Manchester City and Napoli

When they beat them, they both placed on top of their leagues.

I dont want to say that bayern has beaten much better teams than Real madrid, but his argument is just invalid, because neither real has beaten good teams this season yet.
so because none have beaten good opponents it still comes down real having the better squad,depth and bestia negra is from when bayern really had an outstanding squad is still good today,but real has just gone mad with their spendings
did i say anything about the other arguments? I'm just talking about the one argument which is invalid and i got a point there.

Real Madrid is the better team, no doubt. But talking about such huge advantages is just stupid. I mean both teams have worldclassplayers who play for big nations. Both Teams reached the semifinals in the Championsleague unless other teams, who even failed against smaller teams (ManU). I dont think that in this stage there are so huge differences between two teams anymore. Every team can beat every other. It will most likely depend on the daily form. Even a player like David Alaba can stop a Christiano Ronaldo if he has a good day and Christiano Ronaldo wont get any passes from his mates and maybe has a bad day. This match can end 4:0 Bayern or 0:4 Real Madrid.

I dont even think that the better team will win tonight. It will be more like the luckier team, that scores the goals in the right time.

e: and to everyone who is comparing Bayern with Dortmund... srsly more attentionwhoring. BVB won the Bundesliga and thats it. Before they talk about the Champions League, they should at first be able to pass the groupstage next year.
was ein verzweifelter versuch sich das ganze schönzureden :D
aber redet euch nur selbst mut zu,vielleicht hilts ja was..oder zumindest spendet es trost wenn ihr am ende der saison ohne meisterschaft,ohne champions-leauge finale und hoffentlich auch ohne dfb pokal da steht :DD
ich bin so objektiv wie nur möglich und trotzdem schreibst du so nen schrott


real madrid ist viiiiiiiiiiel zu overrated

so da haste meinen antirealkommentar.
lol razzah mad :DD:DD:D

ne spaß ich weiß doch was du meinst,aber ich glaube eben trotzdem nicht dass es für bayern reichen kann,wie gesagt die qualität fehlt einfach...für mich sind robben,neuer,schweini und gomez ausnahmespieler bei bayern..ribbery ist in meinen augen überschätzt und glänzt eigentlich immer nur gegen schlechte und vorallem langsame gegenspieler,lahm is auch keine weltklasse mehr..und der rest der mannschaft is immer noch sehr gut,aber eben keine weltklasse...und ja real war/wurde überschätzt,aber mMn ist das seit mourinho bzw seit dieser saison im besonderen nicht mehr hat schon oft bei mourinho erlebt dass er 1 saison braucht um einem team die taktik beizubringen,im nächsten jahr oer spätestens im übernächsten jahr war er dann aber immer erfolgreich
wie gesagt, für mich gibt es objektiv gesehen für bayern nichts zu hohlen gegen real (dabei rede ich vom weiterkommen und nicht vom spiel heute abend),wobei halt fussball auch keine mathemathik ist,das ist mir auch klar
Loled, you are acting like all bayern supporters and managers, rly BvB beat you 4 times in a row, they are playing great football, I am not a BvB fan but its a big pleasure to watch their games.

You are talking about Cl as you owned it allready or smth, We all know that BvB wasnt doing too well at the beginning of the season while Bayern was on fire. I must admit that they rolled very hard group but still, did they beat any top team? Sory mate but they didnt do anything what would show "big difference" between BvB and BM. I am sure that BvB will do much better in the next CL season and show its potential. Bayern isnt that good as he used to be back in the times but you cant face it.
lets wait for tonight. I said that it will depend on luck and you say that bayern will get owned very hard. lets see who is right
problem officer?
Heh. Yea you were right, gratz ;]
well my argument is still better
your opinion is stupid and it sucks, i hope bayern will take it
oh really? tell me more about how mad you are right now :D:D:DDD :D:DDD
im not mad at all, im just saying that your opinion is stupid
yeah right,so when you werent mad,why would you even take the time to write that rather unnecessary comment?
your denial of being mad just makes you look even more mad :)
it's not unnecessary. now you know that your opinion sucks

and oh, i'm bored out of my mind
ok lets see what you have written:

"your opinion is stupid and it sucks, i hope bayern will take it"

okay seriously,how can you even deny that you are NOT mad at all? this is the most butthurt comment ive ever read from anyone on the whole internet.its like saying

"im so mad right now over dinevs comment,i need to tell him that i dont like what he said,so he will know that im a analmad faggot.oh and he said he thinks real madrid will win? oh no,i definitely need to tell him my irrelevant oppinion of how i think bayern will win!!! that will tell him a lesson!!!"

sorry man,but you just got pained in the glutes lol
lol wat :DD

ok, let's see.
first of all, if you're saying that is the most butthurt comment you've seen on the internet, then damn, look around dude :D
2nd, i was bored as hell and i replied to a shitload of comments, i just told you that your opinion sucks because you don't know a lot about football. you think you do, but you don't :p and i have nothing against people supporting their teams, but i support bayern in this clash because i simply dislike real madrid. i never said i think bayern will win, i said i hope they will take it, i think it will be a really close match. and i also think that you should seriously reconsider commenting here, everything you have said is wrong. starting from the "facts" and the "better individual skill" of real madrid players, ending up with me being mad :D

Bayern is playing at home, they have shown solid performances throughout the CL season in home matches. Real Madrid have been disappointing in away matches. And though they have a few players that are individually better, skill wise and experience wise, Bayern have a few that are better than theirs (the ones you mentioned + ribery is good, though he looks like a turd). And well, upsets happen in football all the time.

All in all, I hope for a 2-0 or a 3-1 win for Bayern, but I doubt they will score 3, they might score 2 and I think it will end with a 2-2 or a 2-1. Worse case scenario, 1-3 for Madrid.
hm alright great answer...
1.stating that im wrong without elaborating
2.stating that you hve better knowledge about football than me without elaborating
3.stating that you are NOT mad without elaborating not even talking about the match today,im talking about the overall qualification for the finals:so what that means
im not saying real will roll bayern with 0-5 today,im not even doubting that real may lose tonight,but overall i said real will get the certain result to be able to qualify in the bernabeu and then they will due to better players and better tactics and better team chemistry. so now if you want to get taken seriously,elaborate how real madrid doesnt not have better players/chemistry/tactics and how they will not qualify for the finals
On the last two Bundesliga games they used several "B" players and played like on 70% strength.

Lies :S Only the last game, against Dortmund they still played serious.. ^^

hopefully bayern takes it, but i guess 1-1^^
Go Real !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apoel is going to win CL this year.
lol stop lying moron

Their top A-team got beaten 2 games ago by Dortmund. They used b-players against Mainz but against Dortmund their top-notch team got beaten,
No time for CL, gonna watch ETTV!
I hope for the best but expect the worst :D
1-0 Bayern. Kroos on the 57th minute. Okay?
I hope Gomez/Ribery will roll Pepe, Ramos and Marcelo all at once. 2:0 Bayern :)
neid muss man sich verdienen nur weter so XD
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