SCII: Naniwa 2-0 Genius

SwedenNaniwa just won his first match of the second group stage at GSL Code S against Korea, Republic ofGenius, after winning both matches of the previous group. He showed solid judgment and decision making and simply outplayed Genius. I think he might be on to something this season.

Unfortunately you need the GOMplayer to view the stream, but here's a link anyway.

E: Reasons it's a fairly big deal so far:
- He's the only foreigner in the tournament, after CanadaHuK even dropped into Code B.
- He was denied his Code S spot that he got from the GSL/MLG exchangement program after he probe rushed NesTea in a game that didn't matter.

Naniwa 1:0 Virus on Ohana
that probe rush was so epic :D back then
Gotta love NaNiwa! I'm so happy that a guy who causes some controversy and has a "so fuck?" attitude is doing well. I get so bored of people who are all nicey nicey in SC2.

Also, nothing unfortunate about the game being on GOM's player, quick DL and free to watch in LQ.
I hate Naniwa
You're wrong
He is awesome cos he plays toss!
I love protoss more than your average guy but I hate nani
I used to like him when he still played in dignitas but rly haven't followed sc2 that much anymore but seems hes kinda retarded nowadays
I now therefor love Naniwa
there is nothing deep about me trying to lure you into saying something offensive!
Got pretty close there, let me try again!

I like hype
I understand why people may dislike him, but at least he's playing to win at all costs, unlike Stephano, who's all about the money, or IdrA who's only playing the game to whine how all other races but Zerg should be ashamed of their race.
you calling him racist?
Who said anything about racism? Naniwa's personality shifts to arrogance whenever he plays competitively. He does things that could potentially piss off the community, such as the probe rush against nestea?
QuoteIdrA who's only playing the game to whine how all other races

= Racist

It was a joke :(
Oh, LOL. I took what you said too serious :P
Only has to beat SuperNova next

I think its more of a big deal that before this season Naniwas GSL stats were 1-11 or something

Foreigners doing poorly in GSL is nothing new, really.
most likely because of the gap between foreigners and korean'style.
Look at ganzi'stream now he's in coL. He's getting raped, cannot even into GM league since 2 weeks.
What does Ganzi being in coL have to do with anything?
the difference of style between koreans and foreigners, as u said not a lot of foreigners are performing in gsl, that's mainly because despite a skill difference the gamestyle is completely different.
Therefor i was pointing ganzi's case
Sure but for all I know he's still playing in Korea. Being in a new, foreign, team doesn't justify a skill drop.
wtf are u talking about? he wasnt in gm because the leagues were locked and gm is opened yesterday. and hes there now 0o

getting raped by cheesers from time to time isnt that big deal is it? he made it to IPL 4 out of openbracket which was full of koreans..pretty good success no matter what
oh that i didn't know about lock, been watching his stream and especialy lately, he's getting raped by zergs most of the time, and that was not cheesy
Well Blizzards failure in balance has shone once again but rendering Ghosts virtually unplayable late game tvz
Your link looks cool with all the statistics stuff but if I press the live buttons(tried 3) They ask me to login >.< prefer owned and twitch stream in that case :)
that's gomtv, u can't doa nything but create an account which gives you a free LQ stream, else the service isn't free.
GSL serious eSport business ;)
You can login via Twitter or FB (that's how I do it) and just get the GOM Player :)
I don't have any gaming stuff on my facebook besides adroits and I would like it to keep it that way!
That's why I use my twitter. I mostly follow gamers anyway and have no intention to use it any other way.
Quick question: have you ever considered changing your nick for, you know, professionalism?
only every other day!
Just pull a CatsPajamas and go with Stuart Saw. Has a nice superhero ring to it, like Peter Parker or Bruce Banner.
14:49 @Thomm • stuart saw, raw status

Cool, now you can be a rapper/wrestler/steak.
Was thinking about doing that, will make it later I guess (:, thanks for the input.
I use my Twitter to log in.
[img]u mad bro?[img]
Dude, spoilers >:(

Name it 'GSL results' or something.
as if anyone on cf cares about spoilers:P
Apparently, yes.
yo loazis.
naniwa first, supernova 2nd

watch supernova vs genius on daybreak, he trashed him so hard, was sooo enjoyable to see multitasking terran raping turtling deathball fag
As if I would seriously check a comment of yours without expecting it to be filled to the brim with spoilers.

I know you're a dick, dick.
just installed the gom player. exactly how can i watch naniwa pwn now?
It's over now. But technically you'd have to hit the Live button in the header and then LQ Live.
yeah i did. got "no live stream" or sth like that. watching replay now :)
Then I guess you turned it on after it was over.
season ticket is required to see the rest of this matchup :<<<
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