Updating ET? A Challenge!

A conversation on Nbs Public Server tonight got me thinking. Why was ET never updated? Sure, there were new mods, maps, weapons but those were more like patches and add-ons than they were a total upgrade that would take advantage of new processors and video cards and HD Monitors.

So, I'd like to lay down a challenge. Surely this would not be for money, but for the love of a game that was deserted by the original developers.

To us purists, we love ET for some simply basic reasons. For one, the way it can be easily configured by each player to suit his or her own personal preferences. Next, the Line of Sight mode of aiming is just completely different than newer games.
The duels and one on one battles are the best in FPS gaming, in my own opinion. Finally, it's FREE!

As much as people claim that ET is dead, I see a list of competitive matches that's never ending. With Spring arriving, Nbs is going to be back in the Cup Hosting business!

Within the ranks of ET players are some gifted coders, incredibly talented players and people with great vision who I believe could work together to bring ET up to date with new graphics, GUI, maps, mods, classes possibly and do it the right way so that those of us that still love this game will not be dissuaded from making a transition to the new version. People who know what would make ET better in a new, more current version.

The downside?? Well, it would be for free. A labor of love. But, if successful, it could mean some nice recognition for the team that can make it happen
Damn. How did I never see that and glad great minds think the same
I don't really think it's a good idea tbh.

edit : I'm gonna tell you why.

We love ET for what it is. If you make a new ET, it will obviously split the community in 2. We really don't need this but maybe you can tell us what you want to bring in your new ET ?
good consideration
basically et is death
not bad not bad
the new messi. and he says ET is alive;)
made my day! ty :D
ur welcome;)
Update ET, you break ETPro (since it checks the version of the game and checks the .exe hash as well [either that or PB did it and I'm getting confused]). That's a big problem. You'd need to get bani to update ETPro for the new version of ET (which would itself be hard to get done in the first place, never mention convincing bani to do something).

There was ET-Xreal, but that seems to have been abandoned (don't see any updates on sourceforge since November of 2011).
What Brisk said. ETPro being the primary competition mod, either needs to be redeveloped (reverse engineered) or have Bani finally hand over the code for someone else to improve it.

First point of call would be enabling optimization for newer pcs so that it runs smoother on them (like Quake Live does). The rest is secondary apart from going the list of bugs still existing in the current etpro version.

Sort those out first and then consider other modifications (if any).
That's the point, redevelopment and updating it BUT without losing the parts of it we all love and ET is hardly dead. It's not 1000 active servers anymore, but it's far from dead....

But I agree, Biggs. Patch the holes, make it more friendly for duo and quad core processors and today's video cards, then work on perfecting the mods; basically the 4 major versions of ET: Pro, Jaymod, No Quarter & Nitmod, with Pro taking precedence

If one part of ET IS dead, it's ETPub
afaik the new zombie mod is a great example. Danje can include these features as he is developing the mod using the ET source code (from what I understand).

Now I really don't have the first clue about implementing the required changes, adding lines of code or whatever so once again we are reliant on someone with the relevant skill set becoming interested.

It is something I always hoped Hannes or DerSaidin would do or pickup, however they have always had longer term ambitions with their projects (which is understandable) and so have only worked on newer games (well in the past now) such as Quake Wars and Wolfenstein (the new, really bad one).

The work they did was amazing, I mean they completely converted each game with a very short time frame and made them much more playable in terms of general performance/fps etc. and it was precisely why I was so disappointed with Brink because it was clear these guys had done such a great job with the shitty IDTech4 engine (*cough* cancer *cough*) and yet none of their work was considered during the build of Brink.

If they had of taken notice (or hell even employed someone like Hannes), Brink would have had less than half the performance issues it had on release (and holy shitballs did that drive people away quickly!).

/endrant >_>
are there any Problems with Duo or quad cores cpus or with the newest gfx cards? i don't have any Problems, et is running without any Problems.
more advertising...recruite new ET players
maybe bani will update et,if u pay him
would u leave this community if kapaa pays you? or we could gather some donation to get rid of you gypsy shit
listen u fuckin kiddo.u are a fuckin stupid nazi teen,that i would gladly slap the shit out of you ,unfortunatelly i can t,so until we gonna meet(which i really hope so),save your strenght and stfu
you have been whining all the time how shit this community is, yet you still write shit evrywhere. after all you are after money, so maybe answer my question now?
haha, this guy is hilarious, I've never seen a retard getting mad so fast
record time?
u are one stupid fuck arent u?20 years and wtf u talking about stupid fuck?whining how shit this comunity is or criticising how shit some of members of this comunity are including yourself?gtfo my face u ugly fag,wtf would i do with your money faggot,where do u get this ideeas from ,if u dont know what u talking or dont have smt realistic to say stfu.and how da fuck a 20 year old punk dare to ask me a question,i dont answer to kids moron
please tell me that your age is a lie
pls tell me u can be silent?
he names himself silent.

if you didn't explode like that and read samples message again with some sort of coolness, you would have understood that ET needs to be free and kept free.
master of science in chemistry

image: So-Hardcore
not at all :D
you can do bombs and shit and sell on blackmarket and become rich and shit
bombs give only fame, drugs make rich
true that, make mephedrone better so i can drug my self better u know
bani works for microsoft now as i understood.maybe et is free,but perhaps bani could be convinced with money,idk it was just an ideea.and i dont care how old are u and what u master in,i saw many "smart ppl" who were dumb as fuck.now what exactly u want from me,as u flamed me many times before without any fuckin reason,why dont u just keep your shit for yourself,if i wanna chat with u,be sure i m gonna send u a pm.

and i have all reasons to explode on retards like krp.et say what ever u want,keep their side i dont care what sort of relationship u have,for me people here are divided in 2 category:shit people and good people.krp is in the shit category,i m gonna let that visible for as long as i m gonna be around,no matter how much u hype

edit:oh damn,i remembered one more thing mister master in chemistry,saw u recently playing with that guy who callshimself girlzje.

would u like to know a story about him?i used to have a jaymod clan long time ago,this guy came on forum spamming he wanna join in,was about 2 years ago i think,he pretended he is a girl,told us all the same shit.can u explain me why ,cause he was not able to,and perhaps can u tell him i said to go fuck himself?
yes, you are right about the "smart people" in general. only thing you forget is, they are only people like everybody else. I said the age and degree shit only to prevent you to waste your time by writing several sentences with many "fucks and kids".

dunno about flaming you "many times". treating others with respect even if you are not respected is the only way to go. atleast for mature people. mature people also don't explode all over the place and I wonder to what sort of category you put yourself by writing replies like you did above.

And I will respond to you at any times, if I have the urge to do so.

to your edit: I didn't play with him yet, but I think I can judge for myself about girlzje. My chemistry knowledge will not be of any help in that case.
besides, this things are "about 2 years ago". jeez man.
in sample case he is still a ...kid.i can consider u still...a kid?do u have a family,kids?no...no problem,u have enough time for that as well.

sample and krp.et in generally have a strange mentality/conception when they open their mind and spread their flow all over the place they kinda make me...mad,idk why i can t explain it ,is magical u know?

u don t know about flaming me?well than your brain chemistry is fucked up,u have bad memory sir.also one simple question i have for you again:why are u replying to me here when i had absolutelly no bussiness with you,are u feeling like u need to take sample side,i noticed this "wolf pack" feeling on certain ppl to defend each other,u know ,are u buddies or smt?i m sorry if i insulted your friend or if i offended his poor nazi feelings.is just that he felt like he should flame me one more time,when i actually was just suggesting a simple thing like :give the guy some money and maybe he will give a shit about taking another look at et pro(i was talking about bani obviouslly).

mature ppl do explode trust me,is in human nature to explode,even bruce lee used to explode and they say asian ppl and martial arts u know...they teach u how to be calm and shit.

about girlzje:i forgot to mention that he asked me if i have girlfriend ,not just me but another clan member back in the time.i think he is homosexual,what is your oppinion on this,doctor?
I don't care about you judging my replies to be flame or not since for you, childhood ends by having a family I assume you are not so much into right judgments.

being calm in difficult situations helps you decide clearly. therefore you need to be calm. but you need to come to this conclusion by yourself, else it won't work at all. especially if bruce lee is the measure of things.
And this is exactly why I am replying to you. To make you look in the mirror not to defend sample. I am not friends with any of the krp guys, talked maybe three times to blindi and thats it. does that make us friends?

and about girlzje: Knowing/ guessing and freedom not to answer on any question.
lol what a stupid answer.

i have a family ,i have a son...

bruce lee somehow is not good enough for you?

i m that idiot that i can t make difference between shit talking and good talking?u do shit talking,did and doing right now.fuck your master in chemistry and fuck you as well.i know scumbags when i see 1...go fuck yourself now
I feel pity for your son, growing up under such a disrespectful and blind scrub like you are.

I doubt you know what knowledge really is so don't dare to talk to me like this, kid.
my last hype for you:blow it!
my work here is done

e: Thank you
i like turtles
yes, you formulated the tl;dr version correctly
Money is an evil thing. Unless ETPro gets it's source released by 2012 it'll be too late. Only problem is when it will be released there will be a huge attempt at exploit finding which could inturn destroythe current ETPro release.
"Unless ETPro gets it's source released by 2012 it'll be too late"

why is that? :P is something crazy about to happen that didn't happen in 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011?
good idea!

nobody has ever thought of this before, EVER!

it will most definitely work!
New update: Stop making server with delivery 24/7

thank you
QuoteExactly, my brah! Update it. Smoother, faster, newer, better gui....

That's awesome idea,but... Who will make this?..
That's the thing. We have source code, we know in our community there are coders that CAN do the job, if they can be convinced. Why wait for other people??
If we can find the resources, let's just do it ourselves for our ET Community
I have a lot of time to holidays,but im not coder...

And that's a pitty...
The ETPRO source code is not available
Yeah, I'm not either, but this is the 2nd thread on this topic on CF in the [ast few weeks, so there IS a demand!
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