Code S Group B Discussion Journal

Korea, Republic ofIMMvp
Korea, Republic ofST_July
Korea, Republic ofLiquid'HerO
Korea, Republic ofFXOLeenock


IMmvp vs ST_July (BO3)
Starting Map: ESV_Ohana

LiquidHerO vs FXOLeenock (BO3)
Starting Map: Metropolis

HerO vs Mvp (BO3)

July vs Leenock(BO3)

Mvp vs Winner of Match 4(BO3)


Mvp is almost definite to make it to the round of 8, but so were DRG, NesTea, Genius, Polt and MMA. As in every group, anything can happen. The way I see it, July is the weakest link, yet I hope to see at least one Zerg to make it through this group. We will also see who is going to play SwedenNaNiwa in the round of 8, so there's a little incentive to watch, even if yo're mostly interested in foreigners progressing.

Stream (GOMtv)

Mvp 2:1 July
Hero 2:1 Leenock
Hero 2:1 Mvp
Mvp will crush them.
Dat creepspread...
i betted on MVP + Leenock to win
The Players

KR Jong Hyeon 'MVP' Jeong

Undoubtedly the best player throughout 2011, 3 GSL, an MLG, WCG and Blizzon champion at one point he seemed unstoppable. However his seemingly unstoppable TvT began to crumble, one KR Seong Won 'MMA' Mun playing his part in beating him in the Finals of GSL October and Semis of the Blizzard Cup. The rising zerg star KR Dong-Nyung 'Leenock' Lee, who also participates in this group, knocked him down in MLG Providence and the GSL November Semis, leaving a sour end to the year.

His plans for 2012? To win at least 3 of the 5 GSL championships and prove he truly is the best player in the world. With only 4 bites of the cherry left after falling at the Ro16 in Season 1, it's almost now or never if he wants to achieve that goal.

His form coming into this group is solid, but perhaps not as good as he would hope. At the group nominations he stated he's not very good in the TvP match up and planned on picking a Zerg player, which ended up being July whom he feels is fun to play against and is different to other Zergs. He stated he didn't pick Leenock for revenge of GSL November because Leenock isn't doing too well and wants to play him when he is at his best, however with Leenock being picked by HerO, he could end up playing him anyway.

KR Sung-Jun 'July' Park

A Golden Mouse winner in Brood War thanks to his 3 OSL championships, a GSL runner up and the nickname "God of War". One of the more exciting Zergs to watch because of his passive play until eventually he will flick a switch upon which he unleashes a relentless barrage of attacks until either he or his opponent dies.

At the group selection he said he was glad to be picked by MVP, and feels confident in his ZvT, and he has good reason to be. He currently sits around a 59% win ratio, and his past matches in the Ro32 alone include a close 1-2 against the most in-form Terran, KR Jung-Hoon 'MarineKing' Lee and beating recent IPL 4 champion KR Lee-Seok 'aLive' Han 2-1.

He stated he wanted to pick MarineKing to gain revenge for the Ro32 and create a group of death in the process, but because he was taken he decided to pick HerO to take revenge for HerO knocking out his team mate KR Won Pyo 'Curious' Lee.

Julys main problems in this group will occur if he meets Leenock in the ZvZ encounter which he is very shaky in.

KR Song Hyun 'HerO' Deok

A player who has been making a name for himself in the international scene, winning Dreamhack and taking a 2nd place at NASL Season 2, both the finals were contested against KR Ho Joon 'PuMa' Lee. However neither player is yet to make an impact on Code S as of yet.

At the group selection he said his favourite match up is PvZ, which is certainly true when looking at his 56% win ratio, a full 14% ahead of his next best match up. He also wants revenge for a bo1 GTSL match vs Leenock a few weeks ago.

However revenge might not come so easily, HerO is yet to beat any of the top 3 Zergs (Nestea/Leenock/DongRaeGu) and has never beaten July in a series yet. However facing MVP could pose more problems with his PvT being lacklustre. Facing July in his second match could be HerO's only chance of progressing.

KR Dong-Nyung 'Leenock' Lee

Winning an MLG from the open bracket is no easy feat, but this young Zerg did it in the most stacked MLG ever in Providence. A stunning 16 game streak with only a single set loss to KR Soo Ho 'DongRaeGu' Park making a blemish on the record as he mowed down Brood War bonjwas, former MLG, GSL, Blizzcon champions, finishing an an unbelievable 34-7 in maps.

As if that wasn't enough, he then returned to his homeland to continue his rampage through the latter stages of GSL November, before finally being humbled 2-4 in the final against KR Ji-Hoon 'Jjakji' Jung.

This is 2012 however where he had a poor showing in Season 1, finishing 3rd in his Ro32 group behind SuperNoVa and MC and dropping down to Code A. He fought his way back up beating his group opponent July before losing out in a ZvP to KR Sang Won 'Seed' Ahn.

His ZvP could be his downfall in this group, being up against HerO who favours the match up, however he has shown promise beating both KR Jun Hyuk 'InCa' Song and KR Woo Seo 'Ace' Jung in the Up and Down matches.

The Matches

The first two matches are pre-determined, matches 3 through to 5 are based off the winners and losers of the previous matches.

Match 1 - MVP vs July

A three time GSL champion against a 3 time OSL champion, a real new vs old match up which both players favour statistically. However I feel MVP is a much more solid player, and with possibly the best Zerg practice partners in KR Jae-Duck 'NesTea' Lim, I believe he will be ready for whatever July, or indeed later Leenock can throw at him.

KR Jong Hyeon 'MVP' Jeong to win 2-0

Match 2 - HerO vs Leenock

A very tough match to predict, HerO's best match up against Leenocks worst, but Leenock is clearly the more skilled player overall. Both players will want to play July in the next match as they both favour playing Zerg over Terran, especially when it's MVP. I feel Leenock will take this one but HerO will take a map off him and push Leenock in the others.

KR Dong-Nyung 'Leenock' Lee to win 2-1

Match 3 - MVP vs Leenock

A revenge match that goes beyond the GSL, with Leenock knocking MVP out of MLG Providence within 2 weeks of the GSL November Semi Finals where he also knocked down the Terran. However MVP will again be prepared, and knowing there is a high possibility of playing both the Zergs will have practised the match up a lot going into this group.

KR Jong Hyeon 'MVP' Jeong to win 2-1 -> Progress to Ro8

Match 4 - July vs HerO

I find it really hard to predict HerO's matches, I just cannot access how good his PvZ really is. While he beats some of the lesser known players, he has always failed when coming up against the big names, however they have all been in bo1 series, and this is bo3. July is more solid in the match up statistically than Leenock is though, and his style is truly his own, whether that makes it easy to prepare for or not remains to be seen with July being so unpredictable. I think July will take it in the end, but HerO will take a map.

KR Sung-Jun 'July' Park to win 2-1

Match 5 - Leenock vs July

July's one major downfall is his weakness in the ZvZ match up, whereas it remains Leenocks best. This would most likely be the most straight forward match of the day, and I feel Leenock shouldn't lose, however July is July, and could showcase some crazy tactics to fight back. The last encounter between these two in Code A last season resulted in a 2-1 to Leenock, and I feel that will be the same again.

KR Dong-Nyung 'Leenock' Lee to win 2-1 -> Progress to Ro8
Nice SK copypasta!
Was justing reading it on SK when I saw your journal on CF.
rapha will take it
Just tuned in!
When is the next match?
They all follow each other. One group per day.
Hero too good
hero sick gamer
naniwa 2 good!!!!


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