Iphone jailbreaked


I have an iphone 4, ios 4.3.3 jailbreaked, I can finally desimlock it legally and free, but I have a question:

I will loose my jailbreak if I desimlock it right? So i will have to jailbreak it again? Will I loose the desimlock after a new jailbreak?

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you lose your jailbreak when you update your iOS device, or when its a tethered jailbreak when you reboot without using limrain.

Your simlock will not be removed by updating the OS, but rather by updating its configuration, don't worry ( and if you lose it you can jailbreak it again anyways! ).

That said, I would recommend upgrading to iOS 5, its jailbreakable as well.
its untethered atm, i dont need limerain to reboot my iphone

ye i was also looking to upgrade ios and jb again

so desimlock have nothing to do with upgrading ios & jb?
If I understood you correctly, by you saying legally unlocking it is through your carrier yes, if you are relying on a hack from the jailbreak community then nothing changes for you at all ( ultrasn0w ).
ye its desimlock by my operator, they said I connect to itunes, sync & restore to unlock it

legal way
That way, you'll lose the simlock since it updates the iphone on the lastest software version.
You can jailbreak it again afterwards
Carrier settings should be updated automatically when you connect your phone ( iTunes should show an warning about this ).
You should use a gevey sim to avoid those problems
and compatible up to 5.1 even for the 4S
au pire si tu dois re jailbreak utilise green poison c'est plus facile ;)
ya,it's possible.
If you lose your jailbreak,when you update your iPhone 4.But if you avail remote unlocking service,you don't lose your jailbreak.If you are interested in this method visit Mobileunlocksolutions.com Recently i unlocked my iPhone 4 using this method.I never had any problem.So only i would recommend this one.I hope it will be very useful to you.
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