new movie settings - opinions?

Hey guys, I just worked on a new movie cfg and new megui settings!

Here is the result on first try (thanks to lazio for providing me a demo):

But I stongly recomment you to download it as youtube really rapes the quality :s

If it only opens the player and doesn't download go to the browser options and press download site!

On a sidenote: In windows 7 it runs smoother with windows media player than with vlc for the lulz

Please give your opinions about the quality, color settings and does your pc actually encode it without problems?

what am i looking at?
I don't know, YOU tell me!
Nice frag! :)
Serious Sam?

image: Serious-Sam-3-BFE
just took a random word from the music :p
the colour are awesome, atleast at youtube!!!

but the quality look like a ingame cfg
that's why I suggest you to download it :P Please really do it, it will change your mind (I hope ^^)
no way i dl a testclip :p
only has 10 mbs and you can delete it after watching :(
its the same...

And in VLC nothing change with windows media player lol
Looks good :>
ag0n approving, me happy!
After downloading it looks even better, sharp graphics, very smooth (!!! thats because u used 60 fps... still good tho!).. I would only add some intense colors.. like hsl @ vegas.. a bit!
I hsl adjusted only the saturation a bit, actually tried to keep the colors still kinda original, but I guess a bit more wouldn't hurt ^^ I'll try it soon! Luckely the total render time of this 7 second clip was in total (virtualdub/vegas/megui) only around 5 minutes! I picked some random megui settings and it worked out fine and quick lol
Ye a bit more wouldn't hurt :>

And fuck you :DDD I have been doing renders for 2 days!!!! Thx to my shit pc (crashed few times), and the render itself is a bit slow @megui
My pc keeps crashing @ megui aswell :(
I had that problem before I build myself a new PC, haven't received the new graphics card yet though
Mine doesn't crash at megui... it crashes during Vegas render, sometimes :D
oh both me :D
Pc overheating i think :P
Well, it looks like any other movie, no complaints. Though nothing special either.
Did you download it ;D?
Yea, I did. "serioussam-muxed". But as I said, it is like any other, lagged little bit when jumping down the steps (maybe too much slow-mo for record-fps). Looked decent (colors / models), but can't say anything more about so short one.
Thomm, are you drunk? :P there is absolutely no slowmotion
ahahahahaha what u call slowmotion, i call shit pc :D

it is in real time, but his clip uses 60 fps which is a bit "hard" to decode for old pcs or even new pcs (u need to set up the decoders properly.. using CoreAVC to decode x264 is a must have... )
Well, there was some lag / stalling, or at least it looked like it for me. Somewhat edgy, hard to describe. Tried to watch it few times, oh never mind, he was just moving edgy :D do /clear :D
:D thomm, thomm :D stop the alcohol at saturday night!
I already did!
I don't have coreavc :o
With a 8 core cpu, u shall not need it :D But it's still helpful ;)
lazio is no stranger to ownage
Really like it. Imho this is really perfect for a fragmovie, just simply looking without extra colors. Good work :)
Really good, and I love the song!
quali: awesome (how you did it/how recorded it?)
color: really really nice, looking forward to see other maps
pc encoding: without problems on my old machine
quality was good, but I think by using ag0n's or wrapped-production's movie cfg and -max-'s megui settings and you probably have the highest achievable quality out there..
Liked the quali, nice frag aswell and cool colours.

I like that you dont use the standard popups/killfeed. A bit too much space between them, but thats just my opinion.

Hopefully you will make a movie soon :) Also, if you do, please use hitsounds :p
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