6v6 cb oc groups?

last ec games have been played...where are the final groups? iw ant to start challenging ;D

gl&hf to all!
I think we need another preview first, just to be sure.
16:31 [CB]GoldoraK • busy doing it
16:31 [CB]GoldoraK • it wil be done during the next hours
Holy Fuck
i was on the computer and my dad said what the fuck are doing on fourchin and i said fuck you dad and then he punched a wall and it broke so i threw my computer at him but it missed and hit my mom and then my sister was like what the fuck scruffy and then i realized i was a dog so i took a shit on the floor
it was the best day ever
last night there was something wrong @ CB page, at least that's what the rumour said
looks like someone screwed it up (unexpected)
rumour says it's tonight..
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