Vote for the next Adroits tourney

Cast your vote on which game you would like Adroits to host an online tournament for next:
voted COD4
you actually posted a journal without there being an ET option =3 cf users won't comment there me thinks
Didn't realise Crossfire users only played ET, m'bad.
no but it's a pretty obvious option for CF users to vote ET =d I'd have done so and I'm sure others would too
Shut up and vote
it won't make a difference, I'd be one of maybe 3 people who vote Other and write ET.
If people really want their game to be have a tournament by us, they'll take that few seconds out of their hectic Crossfire-browsing schedule and click "Other" and will type "ET", don't you think? :)
can be a tight schedule
I do that AND beat up those who don't vote ET.
post it in and you'll have 230499 ql votes no doubt
Be my guest to post :)
voting for computer games on a social network site, lul.
Are you embarrased? I see no problem in telling people what my hobbies are.
no not at all, I just find it somehow weird :/ also my friends know that I used to play computer games, I guess that's normal for todays young generation..
I don't find it weird at all. The people that know me also know that I like to spend some of my free time on computer games and I think that's totally normal. So I see nothing wrong with voting for a game of their liking on a social media site.
my point wasnt that friends could find about ur gaming, but imo facebook and and gaming are two very different things.. but yea, if you alrleady can save life's by liking a picture, then you also should be able to vote for a LAN game on facebook :)
Kommt ja vom richtigen :)

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Kp ob das deine is tho war aber die in meinem movie folder dingens
pah, kommt grade von der richtigen!
"der richtigen"

warst auch schon mal kreativer
"der richtigen"

warst auch schon mal hübscher
schon besser
Tribes Ascend yeeeeee bud
BF3 sucks hard, you still have to play on an online server, no way of shoutcasting.
you sucks hard
I love the game and gameplay of bf3 but it sucks that you can host local servers and that there is no spectator function
Quote by FacebookHeeft Call of Duty: Modern Warfare geantwoord

Wolf: ET aswell, but I cant vote for multiple games :{
I voted ql
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