Planetside 2 Alpha Video

That song is fucking awful
Baggiez, a Nickleback fan, commenting on other people's music taste.
Baggiez Jonas Brother fan.
Not my kinda game :P hate that galactic shit or whatever xD
Somehow I get this feeling that it has too much. Don't know, could be nice.
On the one side it would be cool to play in a massive non-earth environment, but on the other it looks too much like battlefield.
free to play?
I remember being excited as hell for Planetside when it was released but then I stumbled onto ET :p

Maybe I'll give it it a try this time but somehow I feel I'll get bored really quickly since the world is huge. I fall asleep just playing battlefield, can't imagine this. But maybe it's cool with a few mates.
Very nice, how much?
looks good
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