I'd like opinions on the following movies

Just Cause
vicky cristina barcelona

Has anyone seen these? Did you like them and/or do you recommend them? They sound attractive and impressive, but i'm undecided.
just watch them? ffs
wanna fight 'bout it?
I mean, he said that they sound attractive and impressive so why not just watch them? or if he cant decide which one to watch then I'll say Sleepers, and next time watch Just Cause.

problem solved.
dont need to explain brah, i dont rly care.
but i will fight you if you quit et like i saw on some random journal few days ago
not even kidding
wont quit et since my team is going to lan! :)

will have a summer break after it though :b
damn hope its just a summer break, else it'll be a nose break, that serious!
nice cast :)
thanks brah :D even with my mom coming in and telling me to shut up :DDDD
not everything that SOUNDS, or LOOKS impressive, indeed are...
long time no talk, whats up?
pre-ordered gw2 to get into all beta events.
waiting for risen2, fear its finally gonna kill the gothic series.
disappointed with tribes balancing.
love CDprojectRED for their enhanced edition of one of my all time favourit games.
liked diablo3 beta, still not sure if worth the buy tho.
waiting for firefall beta invite.
waiting for planetside2 beta invite.
replayed borderlands coop for the 5th time, cant wait for 2.

my (gaming) life in a nuttshell.
weather is fine, next week no university.
cant wait for queensday.

sup in jewland? bombing dem neighbors?
GW2 can be pre ordered? WOW! i have been jizzing about this game for 3 years at least...can't believe it's closer than ever for release...have already lost interest in GW but hopefully i will reignite it (and time). so far am not interested much in gaming but i hope to get back to GW only.
started to play Skyrim a few days ago and it didn't impress me, but i'm not an RPG hardcore player, so it takes time for me to get into such games.
other than that, been watching some series, movies and mainly been in army (10 out of 4 days im at army, 4 days at home)
hyped about GW2 but no RPG fan? ;)
i loved skyrim (just as ive loved morrowind and oblivion) but i can understand why it would bore people.
mine is modded to the max. bought it on steam and they developed quite a nice steamworks workshop (especially for skyrim afaik) for steam to support modding (communities). makes it even better. there is also an official high-rez texture pack cause the original ones had to run on xbox360 and had to fit on 1 DVD.
however if you need a good RPG (with better story, better fighting, better everything in general) you should reall check out The Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition, its the best RPG of recent years.
any decent series to recommend? ive been watching sons of anarchy which starts of rather bad (seems really fake and the actors are quite bad) but, as always, you get attached to the story/characters.
i'm not an RPG fan, but an MMORPG fan. i LOVED the first GW and have all the contents + finished everything. cant wait for GW2. i probably wont play the witcher 2 since i haven't played the first, and i would much rather play an adventure / shooting games than RPG, mainly because i have barely 4 days to play games before im back for another 10 days at army, it's hard to play RPG like that. ( i started skyrim since i have a week 'break').
for series, im a HUGE HUGE fan of dexter, following with true blood and fringe ( which is a REALY great series but goes a bit far). i've watched black mirror, which is also an incredible series but is only 3 episodes, recommended. other than those, homeland was nice and am now watching breaking bad (so1) which is pretty decent. i have a huge huge list of series to watch tho... am keeping games of thrones, spartacus, the walking dead etc to have advanced seasons so i can watch them all in a couple of weeks ( i hate watching episode a week)
dexter and breaking bad really didnt do the trick for me somehow.
im up to date with fringe, homeland and spartacus. dont know anything about true blood.
ive read all the Song of Ice and Fire books which i would recommend to you rather than watching that pathetic piece of shit series that simplyfies everything and changes facts.
what season did you stop in dexter? for me it's the best series ever, in every aspect
honestly didnt really give it much of a chance.
didnt like the idea of some smiley face blondie going around chopping people up as his alter ego.
didnt like breaking bad cause some average guys life getting ruined by drugs is nothing i enjoy watching.
im not much into breaking bad

and the killer ir only 10% of the actual storyline and doesn't have too much to do with the series ( well a little at the latter seasons, and there is a huge twist in the first season as well that prepares you for the real deal in the next seasons)
"they like the same game as i do, that means that if they liked a movie, i'm gonna like it as well"
this journal was not meant for like only, as i'd like people to share their opinions on the movies listed. it can be from great story to terrible acting.
but that's what imdb is for
stom tape
did you like skyrim?
sadly not, its a great game, but i dont liek swords and shit.

liked fallout, didnt like skyrim d:
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