Eeeasssy money !

image: mwz69w

Good day for soccer, especially if you followed my adviced I made yesterday :)

Total win: 135 euros :)

Go to hell fucking Barca fans. :)
What is this soccer you keep talking about?
That word is not explained in the "How to be nerd" book? I'm so sorry.
Try this:
He was raised by the americunt education system :)
association football or something

according to my sources they also use the term in Ireland so you should probably know?
I've never heard anyone say soccer, nor have I ever read that word in the newspaper I get for free every morning from the nice men in yellow jackets at the corner of every street.

Edit: just checked the 2 biggest Irish news sites and there they do use soccer. Strange, perhaps it's in the newspaper too but I have unconsciously blocked it. I don't know.
when i first moved to Ireland I learned how to speak english by watching american movies. When i was going to primary school here I was in a special english class called ESL and i remember i had to write an essay about sports, so i wrote about football. And back then i used to say soccer instead of football, that was because i learned english by watching american movies. I remember my teacher got mad at me :D ever since i never use the word soccer anymore :D
Too be honest though, I don't have much contact with the Irish people. The longest sentence I said to an Irish is probably "get out of th way, you fucking knacker."

So I don't really know if the people use football or soccer ^^
mr lonelyboy?
No, I work in an international company where there are no Irish (except a few managers) and I live in an appartment inhabited by Brazilians, South Koreans and French people.

There's not much chance to get to know an Irishman if you're never in contact with one.
o.O 1k = 135 euros??
1 Euro = 7,45 Danish Krones :)
wow, im finally a trillionaire!
holy mother of god its unblind
What site is that?
You look like rapist btw :S
It's from bet365 :) rapist :D?
Blocked in Estonia :S
yea wtf man image: omgomg
lol wtf :P?
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