TZAC problem

Hello friends,

My Chilean amigo Chile Switer is having problems with his TZAC, and since his English is shit, I am posting a journal for him to try to get some help.

Here is the error message he is receiving:

image: tzacerror

I guess the important stuff is at the top of the error message on the right, but here is a rough translation of the text anyway:

Details of the error report

This error report includes: information on the status of ET.exe when the error occurred, the operating system version and computer hardware in use, the ld. digital product, which can be used to identify the license and the Internet Protocol (IP) settings.

Your files, name, residence address, email address or any other individually identifiable information have not been collected. However, the error report may contain customer specific information as data from open files. Although the possibility exists that this information is used to determine your identity, if not, it won't be used.

The data collected will only be used to solve the problem. If there is more information available, we will tell you when you report the problem. Error reports are sent using a secure connection to a database with restricted access that will not be used for commercial purposes.

The error message on the left is just a typical "ET has encountered a problem and needs to close."

image: aWwRP
Dos Cervezas por favor!
image: 207484_755776_lol_que_large

i like this win feature!
prolly because of /!\
lol that screen looks like when you win a Solitaire's round

Sem the gem, has the answer (believe Sem's case roughly matches up to what casek said switer's was).
A gem indeed

It's not very common that someone posts the answer after fixing the problem by oneself(? :D)
does he get high cpu usage when starting tzac ? and the he has to close et from task manager ? or just et quits and he gets this error ?

be more explicit :D
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