ESL Spring Leagues

Signup for 1on1 ESL Spring!
Signup for 3on3 ESL Spring!
Signup for 6on6 ESL Spring!

Maplist for 1on1 / 3on3 / 6on6 can be found: here

vote the 6th map for the ESL 3on3 Spring League: here!
vote the 6th map for the ESL 6on6 Spring League: here!

More Information!

You can signup anytime between now and the 5th of May 2012.
3o3 mappool is a joke
3o3 mappool is adler supply goldrush braundorf & delivery =d what's so joke-ish about it!?
No Erdenberg no win
tbfh there would be even more complaints if it was in there.. :D
People don't appreciate good maps :<, nothing wrong with the current mappool anyway.
you should know by now that ET players only play grush,supply,adler.....
delivery, braundord, supply rly? too many awesome maps for 3o3 and the worst are forced ._.
personal opinion since I've been playing 3on3 for ~5 years and none of those maps bother me at all. sure i've lost them before but I'm not stupid enough to blame the map.
blame winning or losing, ya right! they're just overplayed and also bad, so boring to play the same shit on and on
tbfh every OC and ESL 3on3 league i played in the last few years had maps like beach, ufo, ice, base & such forced to the groupgames so i honestly don't know how you can say that =P if you like other maps so much, vote for them and choose the map vs your opponent(s) in the playoffs. :D
only remember one OC with more than one 'exotic' map in the last 2 yrs :s I voted, but ya, those 6 maps you can vote for are all fun, and the only forced ones I like are grush and maybe adler once in a while when playing with guys who don't like/know any others :/
overplayed =/= bad ;d besides new maps aren't specifically good, they're just simply, new. :D I'd happily play ufo base beach ice frost and escape in some 3on3 league because I'm yet to find a map I truly don't enjoy, but when making a cup for the majority of competition, this maplist is the best idea.
delivery is bad, there's no variety in attack ways at all, adler & supply aren't much better there, but ya, they're easy to play so everyone goes for them
srsly if u dont like the mappool then gtfo.
I prefer to play supply,grush and co than ufo, erdenberg...
gj artstar
lol, erdenberg > supply anytime! One of the best maps released in while.
(no, the fact that map creator is my rl friend doesn't affect on this one)
well the problem is that u cant pracc erdenberg, because everytime when u vote the map erdenberg the oppos rl leaving :D
ow, well never noticed anything like that myself. :/ but still, what I just said! :D
need 3o3 team :<
raab progamers are ready for 3o3
love u jem! <3
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