EuroCup Changes!!

Well what about change the system of the eurocup?

I mean i feel really bad for all these 4th place teams on EC, in the most groups is clearly who will reach the playoffs. And the other teams got 3 games and done?

My personally idea, 3rd place going to OC premier playoffs like in the Champions league,
then you will see alot of interested games about place 3, and teams still praccing then also for the last groupstage game.

Well its only a idea but alot better, the most teams will play 3 games and are out and they had to wait 3 month untill the playoffs are done.

Maybe not for this eurocup but for the next one it will be really interested.

cheers xx
good idea i have to say!!
Gl convincing Goldorak
Yep. That was his only mistake.
I'd find smth like lan's consolation tournament better, premier teams might find this unfair+it will make premier div last too long
Its good but I think about 4 years too late
God your English is so bad:D
might be a decent idea although I'm not sure EC teams would even want to play those games, also wonder how OC prem teams would feel about this
so you feel bad for 4th placed teams in EC groups and put 3rd placed teams to oc prem playoffs? makes sense to me :)

anyway good idea!
it would make the season way too long OR the EC teams would have to signup/form alot earlier than the rest of the OC teams (which I do not see happening with different signup deadlines). So probably a good idea/format but unlikely to realise with the time ETs groupstages need to finish (including delays)
I don't think it makes any sense. It's up to people signup for a EC spot OR NOT. If they want to play OC, then they should signup for it. It is what it is, people know how it works before signup.

The OC/EC season is already long enough.

What if instead of this, you solve the problem by allowing only 8 teams into ec? :) EC doesn't have any prestige nowadays, it's just another league. The fun starts exactly at playoffs. Any recently formed clan with decent player names can get to EC, they don't need to fight for a spot.

Conclusion: reduce EC spots to only skilled teams instead of allowing "fillers" and make a bigger OC Groups.
Prestige? If it's a short tourney with 8 teams, it's like a small cup, no prestige in that. The prestige of winning EC is that fact that you have played a bigger number of different teams which themselves have qualified against a big number of teams over a pretty long season. Getting to the end of that: prestige. All these whine about making EC VIP exclusive quakecon skill club is a bit pointless. Make your own one-day cup, invite the teams you think are fitted and repeat every sunday. EC is EC. (imo) or get warleagues premier started again!
Thats true, but lately i've seen alot of fillers, OC 1st worthy... getting a qualifier, or even qualifying, because ... EC.. has spots available.. what the hell -.-
every fucking season has had fillers why its a problem now?
Well, it's not like i care since i don't/won't play any time soon, but i would rather see a more thrilling OC 1st, instead of a big EC where only 1 or 2 games per group are worth it..
that is seriously a nice and creative idea. might be too hard to implement though, dunno
nice idea but not for Clanbase. It's structure is fine as it is no need to change it
i thought about this also in the past but well it'd be a bit hard to make it happen, also you are saying something about 4th place but you want to give it to 3rd place :D I'd rather make some extra tournament after EC/OC season with 4-8 top OC teams and 4-8 3rd and 4th places to see how are they doing vs better teams. It'd also be hard considering fact that nowadays teams are just unstable and they are very often folding right after CB season. (or even during)

EC next season 10 or 12 teams. 2 groups of 5/6 teams. best 3 proceed to playoffs, 1st is directly in Quarter finals, 2 and 3 places fight for Quarter (EC XXI style). Losers are out of the cup while four 1st places + four winners play in double elimination playoffs.
I like this idea.
one hardware
bad idea, its just for people who want to play ec desperately knowing they stand no chance at all but somehow manage to qualify, and want a reserve.
its actually a good idea, ppl getting ec experience and still can play in a cup, so the team wont fold instandly again, imo its a kinda good idea and should be used next season
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