flatmate internet

yo guys,

my flatmate stats to piss me off tbh. For 2 weeks he is using some kind of netlimiter so he can download faster and i cant browse internet at all. ive told him several times to stop it, but well somehow he doesnt want to listen.

the router is in his room, but i have access to the router. Is there anything i can do, to get my internet back :/

image: n9lt797j
smash his face in
Yes, stop paying the internet and get a new one for you only.. he will be pissed off and back off :)

connect to router ip and see if he changed any configuration to limit you
make him an offer he can't refuse ;)
- blacklist his pc by filtering mac addresses :)
- You can do some QoS aswell on some routers
- If your router has a integrated Firewall make u sure to filter every ports he's using to download :) but se tonyl the rule for him else u're fucked !
Inb4 reset
depends if he knows how to, and especialy if the password to access the web interface has been changed :]
As far as i know there is always a little hole on the back which does a hard reset
yeah hardware reset possible, wanna bet he'll get bored doing it after a few times ? :D
he will change the pw after some time
how do i do that and how to find out which ports he is using
is he downloading on P2P or by direct download?
wht kind of router is it ? You might have specs about accessing the web interface to change settings.
this is what i see after logging in our router

image: 8iunjgfi

cba reading everything i'm at work ( i am supposed to work :D)

but afaik u might be able to put some nice settings to filter his mac address and so on block compltly his inet to make him understand that he's anoying, or, on the site here : http://screenshots.portforward.com/Dlink/DIR-615/Firewall_Settings.htm

u see on the screenshot u're able to do some network/website filters.
Enjoy reading
kick his ass
yes, change priority in reouter settings. if you dont have access in it, aka you dont know password, it should be possible to restart it and use "default" password.
Cut his throat when he's sleeping.
you two should be old enough to discuss. if you share the bill together, you should receive the same amount of internet access.
if it's not possible to discuss with him, then you should do what ag0n said.
Blacklist his MAC Adress in the rooter, change rooter PW, put iron cage around the rooter, connect cage to electricity, ???, profit.
try to run a cable i have no idea:(
or dont pay for the internet anymore let him pay for it?

Beta keys
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier multiplayer beta


if u are quick they still work :D
brand and model of router?

telnet it and limit him on ip/interface
cut his wires
haha this is awesome, I used to do this to my flatmates at uni too :D
oh you dick
smash him m8!
I would smash his face so hard with the router then break his bones and let him drown in the bath
razzah m8 I expected more determination from a guy like u.

son, I'm disappointed
We are 5 in the student house and the router only supports 3 computers.
It's getting me mad sometimes, but as I m always out during the evenings, I've finally decided to work when i'm home instead of getting mad when I do not have the Internet.
And it fucking feels good tbh.

E: any tips to make my computer first on the list of the connected devices?
haha mabn i don knwo wha tim doing right now because nim so watseed

guess who made the same girl he did three times no weeks ago or a onth dont remmeer orpronperly??? its me :D
haha.. after 1 month i finally know he r name taht bitch seroul she comes at me by herseflt dafik
omfg man wtf is this :D
add your MAC address as the only allowed computer then change admin password used to logon to router.
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